Naval Reserve Retirement Pay Naval Reserve officers can also be entitled to retirement pay, butthis calculationis different because it uses countable service points, and you must be at least 60 years old to claim it. A minimum of 20 years of service can combine active duty and...
29.11.1945 - 28.02.1946 HMS Victory IV (accounting section, Portsmouth) (additional; for full pay shore leave) 18.03.1946 HMS Victory IV (accounting section, Portsmouth) (additional; for dispersal [not to join]) (05.1949) - 14.06.1962 Royal Naval Volunteer Supplementary Reserve [age limit] ...
Six years later she returned home and was again placed in reserve. Recommissioned at the start of World War I, Bacchante became flagship of the 7th Cruiser Squadron. She was present at the Battle of Heligoland Bight a few weeks after the war began, but saw no combat. ...
Chairman and then Director of the Expanded Metal Company until his retirement in 1956. Deputy Lieutenant (DL), Lincolnshire, 02.06.1959. Honorary Colonel, 116 Water Transport Group, RASC (Army Emergency Reserve of Officers; 434179), 06.03.1954-27.07.1957. * indexed, but not listed as such...