Navy fires CO of Leadership and Ethics Command San Diego Capt. Lester Brown, Jr., was removed from his position due to a “loss of confidence in his ability to command." ByDiana Stancy “The Navy maintains the highest standards for commanding officers and holds them accountabl...
A letter from him to his Commanding Officer pointed out that he was in no way qualified to take command of a ship, and he was soon relieved as First Lieutenant. He was now Temporary Lieutenant Clarke. The situation took a toll on him and he was put on brief sick leave. By January ...
Halsey might have been relieved of command after the storm, coming so soon after the Battle of Leyte Gulf fiasco. But perceived needs of the service prevailed: a board of inquiry faulted him for poor judgment while declining to recommend sanction. Many officers and sailors grumbled aboutpolitics...
Personnel from Singapore based Military Sealift Command Far East’s logistics directorate work closely with counterparts from Australia’s navy throughout the exercise. MSCFE’s Combat Logistics Force officers – who operate a centralized, one-stop shop for Navy combat logistics force ships – manage...
From the end of the Balkan Wars in 1912 the Turkish Army was subjected to a program of modernisation by a team of German officers led by General Liman von Sanders. In the months leading to the Great War a change in the Turkish government enabled Enver Pasha, a pro-German general,...
Were you guys under orders to never drop the persona of the company commander? Was there ever a time where you would just totally relax and be yourself or was that allowed? I wish I had stayed in and earned that red rope. One other question: When Petty ...
Captain William M. McCulley, formerly skipper of the attack cargo ship USS Skagit, became Yorktown's C.O. during a changeof-command ceremony while the ship was in Sasebo, Japan. He relieved Captain James B. Cain, who was under orders to report as chief of staff to ComCarDiv Three. ...
I have had the opportunity of watching G.William in action, and he is one of the kind of officers that enlisted submariners hope they always serve under, and that submarine junior officers hope they will someday be like. Above all, he was one who clearly was having fun in his ...
2. The Shore Firo Control Section of the 5th JASCO, all new oxcept for Assistant Division and Regimental Haval Gunfire Officers, received advanced. training similar to that described in Paragraph 1 above, rathar than retraining. Every effort was made to give this new organization as full ...