* Special Branch officer who is employed on cypher duties (04.1944) - (06.1944) no appointment listed (10.1944) HMS Furious (aircraft carrier) * 01.11.1944 - (04.)1945 HMS Flycatcher (RN Air Station, Ludham, Norfolk) 05.1945 - (10.1945) HMS Bermuda (Fiji class cruiser) * indexed, but ...
c. In brder to maintain close coordination with Artillery and Air Support activities, the Gunnery Officer, OTF 52, detailed an experienced officer to take station on DOG Day in CASCU, which eas immediately adjacent to Expeditionary Troops staff section, including the Artillery Officer, to prevent...
.1954, Barnstaple district, North Devon) Mollie D. Andrews; two sons. 09.06.1922 - 13.08.2016 T/A/S.Lt. (Sp.Br.) * 20.11.1942 T/S.Lt. (Sp.Br.) 20.05.1943 T/Lt. (Sp.Br.) 20.05.1945 (reld 03.07.1946) * Special Branch officer who has qualified for, and is undertaking ...
1946 HMS Merganser (RN Air Station, Rattray) Actor, 1948; Teacher, 1949; Third Programme Announcer, 1950-1953; BBC TV Newsreader, 1954-1982; broadcaster & author; Member, Broadcasting Standards Council, 1988-1993. Published: Here is the News (broadcasts), 1966; The Terror of Tobermory, ...