"Muscle" originates from the Latin word for "little mouse," because physicians thought that muscles looked like little mice running under the skin. Did You Know? "Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. ...
In Navajo, tsé is the word for “rock” and bit’a’í refers to a wing. You may remember that one word for wing is at’a’. With the stem -‘í in bit’a’í, feathers are being referenced in such a way that their position can be described as extending in some “thin” fash...
"The distinctive thing about the Navajos in general is they don't have a separate word for religion or faith ... Parish embraces Navajo spirituality, culture The now-senior Navajos relate how they were sent to basic training--an experience described as "not too bad" because, as Commanding...
Their reservation spreads across four states: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. The term "Navajo" derives from Spanish. Like the Apache and the Sioux, the name for the tribe is not what they traditionally called themselves. The word Navajo was not even in their language (Terrell, ...
The Navajo or Dine (dih-NEH, the Navajo word for themselves, meaning “the people”) are an Athabascan people who migrated to the Southwest from western Canada sometime between 1300 and 1500 AD. After their arrival, a holy person named Spider Woman taught the Dine how to weave. Spider Ma...
“a” in English. So “a” equals “ant” and the Navajo word for “ant” equals “a.” More commonly used military terms–“war plane” and “hand grenade” for instant — were not spelled out but given counterparts in Dine: the Navajo words for “hummingbird” and “potato” in ...
NAVAJOS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 13 times. Referring Clues: Last Seen In: Universal - March 18, 2021 LA Times - March 26, 2019 Universal - November 16, 2018 LA Times Sunday - November 27, 2011 LA Times - November 14, 2011 ...
[#paragraph2]The purpose and meaning of the sand paintings can be explained by examining one of the most basic ideals of Navajo society, embodied in their word hozho (beauty or harmony, goodness, and happiness). It coexists with hochxo (“ugliness,” or “evil,” and “disorder”) in ...
The color word besides expresses it specifically actual color, but also can have the different implication as a result of the different national different culture.For example a white day may translate is " white day ", but in England, the white often expresses “pure”, “lofty”, “propitiou...