商品名称:耐克(NIKE)男鞋新款运动鞋 Waffle Nav 透气缓震轻量舒适慢跑鞋 黑色 FJ4195-001 标准40/US7 商品编号:10097706964719 店铺: BLACKXCORP海外专营店 货号:FJ4195-001 适用季节:四季通用 类别:入门跑鞋,稳定跑鞋,缓冲跑鞋 闭合方式:系带 上市时间:2024年春季 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东...
LTG 001、LTG001 靶点 Nav1.8 作用机制 Nav1.8阻滞剂(X型钠通道蛋白α亚基阻滞剂) 治疗领域- 在研适应症- 非在研适应症- 原研机构 Latigo Biotherapeutics, Inc.初创企业 在研机构 Latigo Biotherapeutics, Inc.初创企业 非在研机构- 最高研发阶段临床1期 ...
biubiu航行加速器官网为游戏玩家提供免费的航行加速器下载,解决玩家在游戏遇到的Nav闪退卡顿等问题,让您体验航行超低延迟、告别掉线、轻松联机 ,快来biubiu加速器官网下载体验吧!
SCN1A (NaV1.1) Antibody (ASC-001-200UL) in ICC/IF Expression of NaV1.1 in rat DRG cells - Immunocytochemical staining of Paraformaldehyde-fixed and permeabilized rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) using Anti-SCN1A (NaV1.1) Antibody (#ASC-001), (1:200), followed by goat Anti-rabbit-AlexaFl...
while testing this PR, the first click on the Navbar toggle might not work, it would work fine from the second click onwards. This occurs because in order to test we would manually change the width of the device, soupdateWidthwould be called for the first click. ...
<el-menu class="left-nav" :default-active="activeIndex" :default-openeds="openMenu" :active="onRoutes"> <!-- 所有路由 --> <template v-for="item in list"> <el-submenu v-if="item.children && item.children.length" :index="item.path" @click="clickMenu(item)" :key="item.path">...
产品名称:β-Pompilidotoxin β-Pompilidotoxin slows the inactivation of neuronal Navs 产品型号:BPX001-01000 产品展商:其他品牌 产品文档:无相关文档 简单介绍 β-Pompilidotoxin β-Pompilidotoxin slows the inactivation of neuronal Navs β-Pompilidotoxin was isolated from the venoms of two wasps, An...
产品名称: BDS-I BDS-I is a selective blocker of Kv3.4 and potent Nav1.7 activator 产品型号: BDS001-50010产品展商: 其他品牌产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 BDS-I BDS-I is a selective blocker of Kv3.4 and potent Nav1.7 activator BDS-1 is a 43 amino acid peptide which was originally isola...
库存/规则: 001-黑色,S (155/80A)/1件 001-黑色,M (160/84A)/5件 001-黑色,L (165/88A)/5件 001-黑色,XL (170/92A)/4件 001-黑色,2XL (175/96A)/2件 001-黑色,3XL (180/100A)/2件 001-黑色,4XL (185/104A)/1件 商品详情