nautical chart Nautical distance Nautical engineering nautical linear unit nautical mile nautical plotting chart nautical signal flag nautical twilight nautically Nautiform Nautilidae Nautilite nautiloid nautilus nav Navaho navaid Navajo Navajo Mountain Navajoes naval naval academy naval advanced logistic supp...
网络海路图 网络释义 1. 海路图 多音字nautical... ...海路图(海路图)Nautical Plotting Chart航海图(航海图) nautical chart ...|基于 1 个网页
Numbers printed on the water areas of the chart indicate the depth of the water at that spot. However, a 2 on the chart might mean two feet, two fathoms, or two meters. It is essential to know which unit of measurement is used. This is always shown on the face of the chart in la...
like using a magnetic compass. The practice is becoming less and less common these days. Especially among recreational boaters. Most people who hit the water in theirfishing boator sailboat rely on electronic aids to navigation. But understanding chart symbols and how...
Google Share on Facebook aeronautical (redirected fromaironautical) Thesaurus aer·o·nau·tic (âr′ə-nô′tĭk)alsoaer·o·nau·ti·cal(-tĭ-kəl) adj. Of or relating to aeronautics. aer′o·nau′ti·cal·lyadv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
8 Things to Consider While Doing Nautical Chart Plotting On Ships Nautical Chart work is the art of laying a safe course, fixing the position and reassuring that position, while steering the ship on that course. It’s an imperative job which every ship navigation officer should master. Learn ...
Google Share on Facebook NCTH (redirected fromNautical Club of Thessaloniki) AcronymDefinition NCTHNational Clearinghouse on Tobacco and Health NCTHNational Conference on Tobacco or Health(Canadian Council for Tobacco Control) NCTHNational Corporation for Tourism & Hotels(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates...
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. twi·light (twī'līt), 1.Figuratively, a faint light. 2.Pertaining to faint or indistinct mental perception, as intwilight state. [A.S.twi-,two] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...