Welcome to Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic! At your service is Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, ND, a licensed naturopathic doctor in Ottawa where we help you uncover the root causes of your health concerns.
Feel Better, Be Healthier, and Transform Your Life with Acupuncture & Holistic Family Medicine by Top Rated Dr. Ann Marie Nguyen, ND, LAc
I left my appointment excited about the plan she set forth for me and our plans in the near future when I return for a follow-up. I feel we addressed all my pressing issues and that Dr. Paskar listened to my concerns with intent and no judgement. She is absolutely amazing!! I recomm...
Dr. Sara, Serving Ontario Patients Virtually Are lab tests ordered by the Naturopathic Doctor covered under OHIP or insurance? Lab tests ordered through an Ontario Naturopath are not covered under OHIP. However, the good news is that lab tests may be covered under extended health insurance. Lab...