“先天还是后天”(Nature versus Nurture)这个说法最早是由18世纪英国科学家弗朗西斯·高尔顿(Francis Galton)率先提出来的,此人是优生学的鼻祖,他的本意是不想让那些“有缺陷的人”留下后代,以此来提高人类的整体素质。优生学后来成了种族歧视的理论基础,被学术界唾弃了,但“先天还是后天”这个说法却被保留了下来,甚...
Nature versus Nurture: A Comparison of Russian Law Graduates Destined for State Service and for Private PracticeThe article explores the mindset of Russian law students on the cusp of graduation. Drawing on a 2016 survey, the analysis finds that, despite having taken different paths to their ...
...每个人的个人才能皆是上天的赐予,而日本更倾向于认为才能基于血缘的遗传。这一区别类似于“先天与后天”(Nature versus… zh.wikipedia.org|基于55个网页 2. 先天对后天 ...’(nature via nurture)可能比‘先天对后天’(nature versus nurture)更加贴切。”(科学网 任霄鹏/编译) ...
Now, it's the old nature versus nurture debate and our Dr. Sanjay Gupta weighs in on it. CNN 主播 现在我们来谈谈亚裔美国人。一般的印象是他们比其他种族聪明。如今学术测验似乎印证了这一点,但这究竟是基因使然还是努力得...
Once the brightest students are interested in bioprocessing, it is vital that they are prepared and inducted into industry. Encouraging multidisciplinary degrees that bridge chemical and biochemical engineering, and bioscience is an important step. Providing more opportunities for apprenticeships, work experi...
Learn about the Nature versus Nurture argument and theory. Read about nature or nurture meaning, nature vs. nurture examples and behavior, and find...
(redirected from Nature versus nurture)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. nur·ture (nûr′chər) n. 1. a. The action of raising or caring for offspring: the nurture of an infant. b. Biology The sum of environmental influences and conditions ...
The fact is, that both go hand-in-hand and one cannot work without interacting with the other; and thus both play more or less an equal role in shaping how you behave. An interesting thing to note is that the nature versus nurture is a factor present in animals too. Let us see how...
The concept of nature versus nurture is a debate on whether a person behavior is based on the environment or do genes influence a person behavior. Nature is the behavior influenced by the gene. Nurture is based on how a person was raised. A person being born good or bad is one example ...