Free Homecare PowerPoint Template Download Why nature PowerPoint templates are useful? Nature views and backgrounds are useful to prepare presentations on different topics but to raise awareness for the nature environment. Page 1 of 271234...NextLast » ...
The Wooden Logs PowerPoint Template is optimized with Drag and Drop picture placeholders 2 (optimized) size layouts are available for your convenience:standard(4:3 screen ratio) andwidescreen(16:9). The document ‘WOODEN LOGS – Nature Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides’ features: 26 pre-...
Nature-PowerPoint-Template【精品ppt模板】YOURLOGOHERE INSERTYOURTITLEHERE INSERTYOURSUBTITLEHERE INSERTYOURTITLEHERE •Mastertextstyles –Secondlevel •Thirdlevel –Fourthlevel»Fifthlevel YOURFOOTERHERE 2 ConditionsofuseConditionsofuse Youcanusethistemplateforyourpersonal,educationalandbusinesspresentations.Wit...
We strongly support all efforts to stop climate change and global warming. This category of PowerPoint templates is our small contribution to this fight.
Create your next presentation about naturewith this environmental-themed free template for Powerpoint and Google Slides. This design features beautiful watercolor backgrounds inspired by nature and a green and blue color palette. It includes several useful slide layouts and lots of customizable elements ...
FreeGreen nature PowerPoint templatewith Water Drop helps in preserving Mother Earth, and it is downloadable on the latest release of Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac and PC), in addition to its open source alternative calledOpenOfficeImpress. PPT Size:|Downloads:95,140 ...
Download our Nature-inspired Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates to create captivating presentations ✓ Free ✓ Easy to edit ✓ Professional
Candle soot as a template for a transparent robust superamphiphobic coating. Science 335, 67–70 (2012). Article CAS Google Scholar Feng, X. J. & Jiang, L. Design and creation of superwetting/antiwetting surfaces. Adv. Mater. 18, 3063–3078 (2006). Four superwetting and antiwetting ...
Although PowerPoint can export JPEGs, the resulting files are low resolution and not suitable for printing. The only way to obtain a high-quality graphics format from Microsoft Office applications is to generate Postscript using 'Print to file'. QuickTime movie (.mov) or Flash movie (.swf) ...
We have investigated the ability of different regions of the left arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome V to participate in the formation of gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs). We found that the 4.2-kilobase HXT13-DSF1 region sharing divergent