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In the case of different UniProt accession numbers that map to the same gene symbol, only the UniProt accession number with the highest log2 abundance ratio value (WT vs. M8 [RBM] L1) was included in the analysis. This filtration process resulted in a total number of 1437 genes (see ...
Reverse Transcriptase (RT) activities10,11. RC-L1s mobilize by a “copy-and-paste” mechanism, involving reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate and insertion of its cDNA copy at a new site in the genome (reviewed in2). Briefly, retrotransposition starts with the transcription of a full-...
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Note, the stronger change is observed between 2 week and 3 months while the removal of ST (cross symbol) has a strong effect on the later time of cheese ripening. f Relative change of the metabolites on different time intervals including all the conditions, both colour and shape indicates ...
Set the error vector as\({{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}}={{\bf{A}}}{{\bf{X}}}-{{\bf{B}}}\), then the square of the error is $${{\bf{E}}}={|{{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}}|}^{2}={{{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}}^{T}{{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}}={({{\bf{A}}...
If you would like to link to this page from your website, blog, etc., copy and paste this link code (in red) and modify it to suit your needs: echo Nature Preserve Career Careers in the United States ( The the latest job postings for nature preserve careers...
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If you wish to use BibTeX, please copy the reference list from the .bbl file, paste it into the main manuscript .tex file, and delete the associated \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands. Before submission, please ensure that the complete .tex file compiles successfully on your own ...
advanced students. copy and paste whatever you want, to your heart’s content! it’s yours to use. the activities have never been tested, so any feedback is most welcome. a discuss 1-6 in pairs. any surprising answers? harmful effects of ecosystem changes on human health use constraints ...