Nature Structural & Molecular Biology is an integrated forum for structural and molecular studies. The journal places an emphasis on functional and mechanistic understanding of how molecular components in a biological process work together.
Structure and function of a broad-range thermal receptor in myriapods The authors reveal the structure and gating mechanisms of BRTNaC1, a myriapod ion channel sensitive to heat and acidity. They show that a proton triggers a ‘twist the wrist’ motion, heat induces broad structural changes and...
Steve Gamblin院士是著名的结构生物学家,主要从事流感病毒及表观遗传学的研究,有多篇文章发表在Nature等顶级期刊上。本研究发表的Nature Structure & Molecular Biology是Nature旗下的著名期刊,平均影响因子为12~13。解析刺突蛋白三维结构的冷冻电镜技术(Cryo-EM)在2017年获得诺贝尔化学奖,近年来渐渐成为结构生物学的热门...
生物通报道,厦门大学生物医学系张云武、许华曦教授继《Neuron》文章后再度在国际顶级杂志《自然》(Nature)系列的Nature Structural & Molecular Biology上发表Substrate check of gamma-secretase研究论文。 老年痴呆症是影响老年人健康的最广泛的痴呆性疾病,导致老年痴呆症的一个重要因素是大脑中beta-淀粉样蛋白Abeta的过度...
2017年1月9日,清华大学生命科学学院李雪明课题组在《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》杂志在线发表研究论文,该工作通过冷冻电镜的研究手段首次揭示了细菌II型分泌系统外膜复合物GspD分泌素通道的原子分辨率结构以及通道的半开放状态结构,结合相应的生化实验,阐述了底物通过II型分泌系统分泌素的分泌机理。
Nature Structural Molecular Biology 毕业论文 生物谷报道:最近,来自中国科学院生物物理研究所生物大分子国家重点实验室(National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules),天津医科大学免疫学系,清华大学生命科学实验楼,美国乔治亚州大学,芬兰坦佩雷大学的研究人员对p100蛋白这种多功能转录共激活因子的结晶结晶进行了进1步的分析,部分...
《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》(《自然结构与分子生物学》)是一本由Springer Nature出版的BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-BIOPHYSICS学术刊物,该刊是国际一流期刊,主要刊载BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-BIOPHYSICS相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊...
They used solution NMR spectroscopy to study CD28CD-lipid interaction at atomic resolution and found that the CD28 cytoplasmic domain inserts into the membrane bilayer. Then they determined the structure of membrane-bound CD28 in the context of a lipid bilayer with Xplor-NIH and confirmed that ...
期刊名称:《Nature structural & molecular biology》 | 2020年第1期 5.The intrinsic structure of poly(A) RNA determines the specificity of Pan2 and Caf1 deadenylases 机译:聚(a)RNA的内在结构决定了Pan2和Caf1硬苯基酶的特异性 作者:Tang Terence T. L.;Stowell James A. W.;Hill Chris H.;...
Flaviviruses, including dengue and West Nile viruses, have an RNA genome that encodes a single polyprotein that is processed into three structural and seven non-structural proteins inside the host cell. Six of the non-structural proteins form an ER membrane–associated replicative complex. The remai...