1. Holehouse, A. S. & Kragelund, B. B. The molecular basis for cellular function of intrinsically disordered protein regions. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. (2023). 2. Akdel, M. et al. A structural biology community assessment of AlphaF...
Top headline image: Yangang Li / TAO Images Limited / Alamy Stock Photo Issue cover: Image credit: John Slater / Alamy Stock Photo. Cover design: Allen Beattie Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (Nat Struct Mol Biol)ISSN1545-9985(online)ISSN1545-9993(print)...
3. Han, L. et al. Structure of the BAM complex and its implications for biogenesis of outer-membraneproteins.Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.23, 192–196 (2016). 4. Ryter, A., Hirota, Y. & Schwarz, U. Process ofcellulardivision in Escherichia coli. Growth pattern of E. coli murein.J. Mo...
4. Blanchard, S. C., Gonzalez, R. L., Kim, H. D., Chu, S. & Puglisi, J. D. tRNA selection and kinetic proofreading in translation.Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.11, 1008–1014 (2004). 5. Behrmann, E. et al. Structural snapshots of actively translating humanribosomes.Cell161, 845–...
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5. Lei, M., E.R. Podell, and T.R. Cech, Structure of human POT1 bound to telomeric single-stranded DNA provides a model for chromosome end-protection.Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2004. 11(12): p. 1223-9. 6. Wang, ...
1. Catez F, UedaT, Bustin M. Determinants of histone H1 mobility and chromatin binding inliving cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2006 Apr;13(4):305-10. doi:10.1038/nsmb1077. PMID: 16715048; PMCID: PMC3730444.2. Fan, Y.,Sirotkin, A., Russell, R. G., Ayala, J. & Skoultchi, A....
结构生物学领域将变得更加充满活力。 参考资料: Roy, R., Al-Hashimi, H.M. AlphaFold3 takes a step toward decoding molecular behavior and biological computation. Nat Struct Mol Biol 31, 997–1000 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41594-024-01350-2...
国际简称:NAT STRUCT MOL BIOL 出版周期:12 issues per year 研究方向:BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - BIOPHYSICS 出版语言:English 创刊时间:2004 是否预警:否 出版地区:UNITED STATES 是否OA:未开放 期刊介绍 《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》(《自然结构与分子生物学》)是一本由Springer Nature出版的...
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