Nature Podcast28 Feb 2025 Ukraine’s research sector is struggling — can Europe help? Having access to funding through EU initiatives is a huge boon for Ukrainian researchers, but many are also hoping for cultural changes in their institutions. ...
While it is possible to meet a potential romantic person without having to pay for an online dating service Paid sites and applications usually have more stable solid, dependable users. These are worth the cost for those seeking a long-term connection. The final decision is up to each person...
Here the authors identify chromatin-bound RNAs and their binding sites in human embryonic stem cells suggesting that most chromatin-associated RNAs act proximal to their encoding loci and single RNAs are unlikely to alter gene expression. Charles Limouse , Owen K. Smith & Aaron F. Straight ...
Note:The Sulabh International Museum of Toiletswebsiteclaims that archeologists have found "sitting-type" toilets at ancient sites, thousands of years old. The author of the site, Dr. Bindeswar Pathak, was asked for his evidence that these toilets were used in the sitting position. He replied...
–another good moment with this bird, it is difficult to while this bird love to moving near ground and very active. Some of us just see the bird jumping around … but after lunch I decide to check out again. Very lucky to have this bird just ~10 feet from me .. – 来婆罗洲这么...
Second, the dissatisfaction with being outdoors versus in wild nature first expressed in the focus groups was validated by the low NC scores assigned to open-air “artificial” recreation sites in the photo exercise. Urban low-nature-exposure individuals described their nature experiences during the ...
With the mountain portion of the lake reflection disturbed by gentle undulations, and the reflection on the near shore beneath me even more wind-whipped, I added a Breakthrough 6-Stop Dark Polarizer to smooth the water with a long exposure. This sunset was only the first of many off the ...
5b–I) and accumulation at infection sites. Simultaneously, these nanovesicles could be taken up by bacteria through lipid-dependent mechanisms (Fig. 5b–II). Through the synergistic effects of electric field and photothermal properties, the Pd–Pt nanosheets could continually generate ROS within the...
Scheyer A, Morville S, Mirabel P, Millet M (2007) Pesticides analysed in rainwater in Alsace region (Eastern France): comparison between urban and rural sites. Atmos Environ 41:7241–7252. Article CAS Google Scholar Schoknecht U, Töpfer ...
P: 1-2 Electron correlation strengthened in multilayer rhombohedral graphite Two decades after the exfoliation of graphene, the focus is shifting to ‘reassembling’ graphite to uncover new insights into interacting electrons. Péter Nemes-Incze