其影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是衡量一个学术期刊影响力的重要指标之一。本文将对Nature Scientific Reports的影响因子进行介绍,并探讨其背后的原因。 一、Nature Scientific Reports的影响因子是什么? 影响因子是由科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)旗下的Web of Science数据库根据某一特定年份内发表的文章数量及被引用...
它的影响因子在10左右,是一个比较高水平的期刊。 3、 Scientific Reports是nature系列期刊中的另一个开放获取期刊,它也是一个综合性期刊,但是相对于Nature Communications,它更倾向于发表一些具有可靠性和可重复性的论文,而不一定要求有原创性或重要性。它的影响因子在4左右,是一个比较低水平的期刊。 以上就是氪研...
Plos one, Scientific Reports文章太多了,Web of Science的常规算法导不出,下次有空去看看其他办法能不能算出来。
三大权威期刊CNS(Cell,Nature和Science)影响因子较去年均有小幅增加,但Nature影响因子想突破40可能性不大(该刊2014年影响因子41.456),Science的影响因子从未突破40,今年依然无望。 两个影响因子较大的开放获取期刊Scientific Reports和PLoS ONE等2016年...
A cross-sectional study of the impact of stigma on quality of life in hemiplegic stroke patients following suicide attempts in nursing homes Tan Hui ResearchOpen Access06 Nov 2024Scientific Reports Volume: 14, P: 26953 Structural basis for the transmembrane signaling and antidepressant-induced activat...
Nature Materials, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Nature Publishing Group. It was launched in September 2002. Vincent Dusastre is the launching and current chief editor. The impact factor for Nature Materials in 2010 is 29.897, according to the Journal Citation Reports. Nature ...
ResearchOpen Access17 Jan 2025 Scientific Reports Volume: 15, P: 2338 Importance of an N-terminal structural switch in the distinction between small RNA-bound and free ARGONAUTE ARGONAUTE (AGO) is the core protein component of small RNA-guided silencing complexes. Free, but not RNA-bound, ...
This narrative review synthesizes recent scientific literature on associations between nature and health, highlighting studies conducted among children and youth where possible, published throughout August 2020 and based on: (1) randomized experimental studies of short-term exposure to nature and acute ...
Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal, first published on 4 November 1869. It was ranked the world’s most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports, and it is ascribed an impact factor of approximately 38.1. It is widely regarded as...
影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)出品的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)中的一项数据,对科研人员重中之重的数据。影响因子的计算是某期刊N-1, N-2这两年发表的论文在N年的平均引用次数。以2019年为例,将在2019年6月出的新的影响因子叫“2018年度影响因子”,是2016年和2017...