A. Multimorbidity in health psychology and behavioral medicine. Health Psychol. 38, 769–771 (2019). Article PubMed Google Scholar Kapur, S., Phillips, A. G. & Insel, T. R. Why has it taken so long for biological psychiatry to develop clinical tests and what to do about it? Mol. ...
Editorial11 Feb 2025Nature Reviews Psychology Volume: 4, P: 69 A renewed interest in controversies The increasing polarization of food systems debates hampers transformation towards sustainability. Making knowledge actionable and action knowledgeable is key for our society to move forward, says Patrick Ca...
2021年推出了Nature Aging,Nature Computational Science和Nature Reviews Methods Primers。 2022年推出了Nature Cardiovascular Research,Nature Synthesis和Nature Reviews Psychology。 日前,Nature又将新增Nature Cities(《自然-城市》)、Nature Chemical Engineering(《自然-化学工程》)和Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering(...
she served as a peer tutor, a teaching assistant for the Biology 1000 (Principles to Biology) course, and actively participated in the Psychology Club which planned the first masquerade ball... These experiences
The Impact of a "Three Good Things in Nature" Writing Task on Nature Connectedness, Pro-nature Conservation Behavior, Life Satisfaction, and Mindfulness in Children 2023, Ecopsychology A Study on the Characteristics of Children’s Natural Activities in the Neighborhood and Their Influencing Factors: ...
今天,我们特别编译发表在Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology上关于如何利用抗抑郁药物治疗 IBD 的综述。希望该文为相关人士带来一些帮助与启发。 以下是全文编译: 摘要 科学界公认脑-肠失调是了解慢性胃肠疾病的关键,而且这一方向已经演变成为一...
Nature Reviews Psychology thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Additional information Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary information Supplementary ...
Research on the psychology of learning has highlighted straightforward ways of enhancing learning. However, effective learning strategies are underused by learners. In this Review, we discuss key research findings on two specific learning strategies: spa
Happiness, in psychology, a state of emotional well-being that a person experiences either in a narrow sense, when good things happen in a specific moment, or more broadly, as a positive evaluation of one’s life and accomplishments overall—that is, sub
personologists—as those who systematically study personality are called—examine how people differ in the ways they express themselves and attempt to determine the causes of these differences. Although other fields ofpsychologyexamine many of the same functions and processes, such as attention, thinkin...