Review Article21 Sept 2017 Electrodiffusion phenomena in neuroscience: a neglected companion Neuroscience is going nanoscopic, but can it still rely on classical electrophysiology? In this Review, Savtchenko, Poo and Rusakov argue that accurate interpretation of physiological observations on the nanos...
Review Article23 Feb 2017 Network neuroscience Network neuroscience tackles the challenge of discovering the principles underlying complex brain function and cognition from an explicitly integrative perspective. Here, the authors discuss emerging trends in network neuroscience, charting a path towards a better...
类型:Article 时间:2017 年 6 月 5 日 期刊:Nature Neuroscience 作者:Eyal Gal, Michael London ⋯ Idan Segev 网址: 评价:为了进一步理解新皮层网络结构的规律,Gal 等人分析了一个符合生物学原理的新皮层微电路模型。利用图论的扩展,他们发现了多种特定于细胞类型的连...
2. Yang Y#, Cui Y#, Sang K#, Dong Y#, Ni Z, Ma S, Hu H. Ketamine blocks bursting in the lateral habenula to rapidly relieve depression.Nature.554: 317-22. (2018) (# co-first)(Research article, featured byNature,Nature Review Neuroscience,NeuronandFaculty 1000) 3. Fan ZX and Hu...
创始阶段,始于本世纪开篇的2000年,创建了三本期刊Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology、Nature Reviews Neuroscience,集中在遗传学、分子生物学、神经系统科学。 之后,在2001至2005年期间先后增加了,Nature Reviews Cancer、Nature Reviews Cardiology、Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology、Nature Revie...
韩世辉教授在Nature Review Neuroscience杂志发表论文 论文杂志北京大学心理学脑成像跨文化系统北京大学心理学系韩世辉教授2008年7月21日在Nature Review Neuroseience杂志上发表论文,系统地介绍自己和他人在跨文化脑成像研究领域的研究工作.doi:CNKI:SUN:BJDZ.0.2008-05-022CNKI北京大学学报(自然科学版)...
该课题组的后续工作于2017年在Nature Neuroscience杂志发文【12】,报道尼古丁还可激活存在于后脑、投射至脚间核释放胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)的神经元,从而提高内侧缰核介导的兴奋性神经传递,这一效应能抑制尼古丁的奖赏效应而促进对尼古丁回避行为。众...
Nature Neuroscience provides readers and authors high visibility, emphasis on interdisciplinary communication, accessibility to a broad readership, high standards of copy editing and production, rigorous peer review, rapid publication, and independence from academic societies and other vested interests. ...
《自然神经科学》(Nature Neuroscience)是一本以医学-神经科学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer Nature出版商创刊于1998年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-神经科学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口与平台...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...