National Science Review由17.275变为23.178; Science Bulletin由11.78变为20.577; Energy Storage Materials为20.831; Carbon Energy为21.556; Journal of Energy Chemistry为13.599; InfoMat为24.798; Energy & Environmental Materials为13.443; Electrochemical Energy Reviews为32.804。 前600位如下: 影响因子计算公式 分子:...
2.Nature, Science, Cell子刊比较 人丁兴旺的Nature子刊分数一直很霸道,超过20分的杂志就有8个,这还不包括本文里没有算的Nature Review系列。Nature Communications, Nature plants都居于12分左右。Nature Communications更是出奇的稳定在12分左右。本次预测的2018年影响影子也将是12.10分。metabolism领域借助肿瘤代谢热起...
This page provides information on peer review performance and citation metrics for the Nature Portfolio journals. Data are collected annually for full calendar years.Nature Portfolio is a signatory of San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (see here for more information about our endorsement)....
Decarboxylative azidation is a valuable transformation in organic chemistry, but a biocatalytic equivalent remained elusive. Now merging photoredox with metalloenzymatic catalysis enables the enantioselective decarboxylative radical azidation and thiocyanation ofN-hydroxyphthalimide esters. ...
Topics published in the journal are presented from the view of the impact that materials research has on other scientific disciplines such as (for example) physics, chemistry, and biology. Coverage in this journal encompasses fundamental research and applications from synthesis to processing, and from...
Nature Reviews Physics Scope Nature Reviews Physics is an online-only journal publishing high-quality technical reference, review and commentary articles in all areas of fundamental and applied physics. Topics covered in the journal include: - Atomic, molecular and optical physics - Biophysics - ...
Chemistry A 242 Information Fusion 243 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 244 Molecular Cancer 245 JAMA Surgery 246 Advances in Applied Mechanics 247 PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY 248 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW 249 TRENDS IN GENETICS 250 EMBO Molecular Medicine 243,793 11,039 3,280 52,970 38,502 12,624 28,...
1.化学领域,按影响因子排名前10位,排除综述类期刊,剩下的就是Nature Chemistry、JACS(JOURNAL OF ...
A fascinating perspective is to strongly confine molecular gases in the nanometric regime10and perform spectroscopy of the Casimir-Polder interaction with molecules. Molecule-surface interactions present a multidisciplinary interest (from QED theory to physical chemistry applications) but experimental investigati...
比较突出的是National Science Review(NSR),2016年收获的第一个影响因子就高达8,之后一路高歌猛进,去年达到9.408,今年则更是有望一举超过Nature Communications。NSR当属国产期刊的荣耀,且让我们拭目以待。 II. 材料类 Nature家族的两大新刊表现极为抢眼。Nature Reviews Materials去年收获了第一个IF,高达51.941,直接...