这一重要研究进展将推进qled显示技术的环保化进程。杨绪勇教授受邀为《nature》杂志撰写了题为“it s time to shine for leds made using ecofriendly quantum dots” 的research briefing文章(nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-025-00640-z),该research briefing和nature研究工作同天上线。被誉为“量...
这一重要研究进展将推进QLED显示技术的环保化进程。 杨绪勇教授受邀为《Nature》杂志撰写了题为“It s time to shine for LEDs made using ecofriendly quantum dots” 的Research Briefing文章(Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-0...
The research, publishe d in the journal Nature, reports on the excavation (挖掘) of well-preserve d woo d at the archaeological site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, dating back at least476,000 years an d predating the evolution of our own species, Homo sapiens.The specialist dating of the find...
ResearchLeading Edgeial News & Views Skin in the game — locally made antibodies fight resident bacteria 参与其中 —— 局部产生的抗体对抗常驻细菌 免疫系统在皮肤中维持着一种微妙的平衡:一方面容忍正常栖息在皮肤上的微生物(共生...
employment purposes – the increasingly internationalnature ofgeneticresearchandthe crossborder flow of genetic data. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 这一发展变化主要反映在私营部门越来越多地参与到 这一领域中来、基因数据库的迅速增加、某些引起争议的应用方案(如在保险业中和就业中 的应用等)以及基因研...
图片来源:Nature Research 因「开发肽类激素的放射免疫分析法」获诺贝尔生理学医学奖的Rosalyn S. Yalow曾把这项研究工作投稿给老牌医学杂志 Journal of Clinical Investigation。 然后收到一封拒信:「The data you present are indeed suggestive but any more positive claim seems unjustifiable at present.」编辑认为...
Nature Physics offers a unique mix of news and reviews alongside top-quality research papers. Published monthly, in print and online, the journal reflects the entire spectrum of physics, pure and applied.
Nature Geoscience covers all aspects of the Earth sciences, including theoretical research, modelling, and field work.
What is it that people who do research actually do? Should all academics do research or should some confine themselves to teaching? For those embarking on an academic career in the current climate these questions are central to how they approach their work - and increasingly new academics are ...
THE NATURE OF RESEARCH C U 88 remarks that each researcher is a “detective at the scene of a crime looking for the clues” that nature freely—but maybe not so readily— provides when the correct questions are asked and the appropriate ...