This chapter offers material from ecology for an interdisciplinary social-ecological theory of nature and society. The bridging concepts and frameworks of social and ecological vulnerability, resilience, and sustainability gain importance in ecological research. Dynamics of coupled social and ecological ...
Hypotheses relating the behavior of voles to their population cycles often assume that the rate of social interaction increases with population density. To test this assumption, we examined the frequency of social interactions in a population of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) over a 7-year per...
首先是行为学测试,通过慢性社会挫败应激(Chronic Social Defeat Stress,CSDS)建立小鼠抑郁模型,利用社交互动(Social Interaction,SI)测试评估小鼠的社交回避行为,还有悬尾测试(Tail Suspension Test,TST)、强迫游泳测试(Forced Swim Test,FST)等,从不同角度观察小鼠的抑郁样行为。其次是分子生物学技术,运用定量聚合酶链反...
Exploratory and argumentational use of language was, however, found to be low and the general nature of peer interaction was rather procedural and context bound. The implications of these findings to theory and practise are discussed. 展开
A hypothalamic circuit underlying the dynamic control of social homeostasis New data on brain-wide circuits centred around two interconnected hypothalamic neuron populations provide significant mechanistic insights into the emergence of social need during social isolation and the satiation of social need durin...
Here, we present an evolutionary simulation model, showing that even intermediate uncertainty leads to the evolution of simple cooperation strategies that disregard information about the social interaction (‘social heuristics’). Moreover, our results show that the evolution of social heuristics can ...
Did this not reveal the raw and rapacious character of human nature? Or, at the very least, the fundamentally transactional nature of social interaction? Yet my experience with my on-campus class gave me another answer, one that would perhaps have pleased Socrates. While these students had th...
“In the milieu in which I grew up, half of the people I knew – if not more than half – smoked cannabis. It was not considered to be asocial or objectionable. But the motherland has decided that, in contrast to drinking alcohol, that’s serious criminal behaviour”, Igor said. ...
Qualitative data analysis also revealed that novelty, scaffolding, autonomy and social interaction were pivotal factors in fostering interest development among most children. The results revealed that the school garden, with its unique and safe environment, played a significant role in stimulating children...
2022年11月30日,纽约西奈山伊坎医学院Scott Russo课题组在Nature发表题为Social trauma engages lateral septum circuitry to occlude social reward的研究,证明了CSDS 抑郁症模型中的社交回避来源于社交奖赏功能受损,并在环路水平上揭示了社交压力阻断社交奖赏的神经机制。 为了研究 CSDS 如何影响社交互动和社交奖赏,研究...