Nature of Profit and Loss在套期保值中,金融工具侧能与现货侧匹配上的盈亏,其性质是风险对冲因子,不直接影响企业的损益,无论是盈是亏,无论盈亏多少,都不应该"大惊小怪".金融工具侧因基差产生的盈利,其性质类似于财产清理中恰逢相关资产价格走高所获得的非正常收益;而亏损的性质类似于财产保险中投保人所获得的...
At last, it was breaking into profit. The journal pressed on with its editorial campaigns on education, following with utmost scrutiny the implementation of the British Technical Instruction Act and supporting a single University of London on the grounds that “a duplication of Universities in ...
loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature shall not exceed a total sum equal to five times [...] 在不影响第 12 和第 13 条款的前提下,本公司就任何损失所承担的赔偿总额将不会超过与该追讨有关的本公司可收取 服务 费用的 5 倍;本公司的赔偿责任亦绝对不会包含任何该客户的间接...
The dynamics and phenotypes of intratumoral myeloid cells during tumor progression are poorly understood. Here we define myeloid cellular states in gliomas by longitudinal single-cell profiling and demonstrate their strict control by the tumor genotype: in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant tumors, dif...
McKinsey:Part of your approach to sustainability is to seek to influence both governments and the public sector to accelerate the transition to net zero and limit warming to 1.5°C. Can you tell us some specific accomplishments? Tim Christophers...
damages ofanykind or naturewhatsoever or for any loss of revenue, loss of profit, [...] 盡管本客戶協議有任何規定,吾等於任何情況下不會就任何陳述,違反任何隱含條款或普通法或任何成 文法或本客戶協議所訂明的條款下的任何責任所導致的任何類型或性質的任何附帶、從屬、間接、特...
He expects his profit, not so much from the price of the fleece, as from that of the carcase; and the average or ordinary price of the latter must even, in many cases, make up to him whatever deficiency there may be in the average or ordinary price of the former. It has been ...
aFrom the equiy movement and cash flow statement in PwC audit report, we noted the account of "Alstom Contribution" which is explained as entities' prior years net profit and loss not allocated to the entities retained earning but to legal entities. Could you please provide us a detailed ...
In 2011, the sportswear business Puma did something unusual: by imposing internal accounting measures such as a price per tonne of carbon and per cubic metre of water, it added up the cost of its use of ecosystem services. The resulting “environmental profit-and-loss” account statement was ...