The progression of urothelial bladder cancer (UC) is a complicated multi-step process. We perform a comprehensive multi-omics analysis of 448 samples from 190 UC patients, covering the whole spectrum of disease stages and grades. Proteogenomic integration analysis indicates the mutations of HRAS regu...
During the initial phase of these studies, G.B. consulted for SciNeuro, AbbVie, E-Scape, Vida Ventures and Eisai, and was on the scientific advisory board for Kisbee Therapeutics. G.B. was an employee of SciNeuro during the revision phase and is currently employed at Hong Kong University ...
Naturally generated lipid nanoparticles termed extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold significant promise as engineerable therapeutic delivery vehicles. However, active loading of protein cargo into EVs in a manner that is useful for delivery remains a challe
For quantification a one-point calibration curve is used. Concentrations are calculated based on the chromatographic peak heights after normalizing to the internal standard (arabinose). The analytes for analysis of small organic acids were extracted from the sample and proteins get deproteinated and ...
Molecular diversity of microglia, the resident immune cells in the CNS, is reported. Whether microglial subsets characterized by the expression of specific proteins constitute subtypes with distinct functions has not been fully elucidated. Here we descri
i Transfer curve of the device. Id, Ig, and Vth represent drain current, gate leakage current, and threshold voltage, respectively. j Spike-number dependent plasticity of the device. PSC represents postsynaptic current. k spike-rate dependent plasticity of the device. l Cycle-to-cycle variation...
1e, I–V curve of a single e-synapse is asymmetric with a resumable hysteresis and a remarkable rectification characteristic. The resumable hysteresis results from the movement of the copper cations mentioned above. One should note that the rectification characteristic is rarely considered in reported...
Identification of DisP islands in SKNMC cells. DisP islands are defined as the population of merged signals above the inflection point of the curve (slope = 1). DisP-seq signals within 20 kb were merged for this analysis.h, Representative example of a DisP island with H3K27ac ChIP...
Increasing humidity is expressed in increasing darkness of colors. Each curve was measured after 2 h of fixed RH conditions. (e) Statistical box plots of the set voltage of the Y7C film as a function of the RH of H2O (left) and D2O (right). The interquartile range, mean, median,...
Fig. 2: The electrical output and sensing properties of TENG and VTT. a Equivalent circuit of the VTT device. b The TENG output voltage versus distance. c The SS of VTT with external gate voltage. d, e Transfer curve and output curve of VTT with TENG. f, g The tactile sensitivity of...