2024年6月12日,中国农业大学田丰课题组和李继刚课题组合作在Nature杂志在线发表了题为Maize smart-canopy architecture enhances yield at high densities的研究论文。该研究首次在玉米中鉴定到“智慧株型”基因lac1,揭示了光信号动态调控lac1促使玉米适应密植的分子机制,建立了“一步成系”的单倍体诱导编辑技术体系。
最后,使用针对玉米优化的载体设计、培养基和叶片转化协议,作者展示了各种草种的叶片转化,包括水稻(籼稻和粳稻)、苔藓、柳枝稷、珍珠粟、大麦和黑麦。 Fig.1 Schematic depiction of T-DNA constructs used in Agrobacterium-mediated maize leaf transformation experiments.a, T-DNA vectors used in random integration e...
6. Wang, B. B. et al. Development of a haploid-inducer mediated genome editing system for accelerating maize breeding. Mol. Plant. 12, 597-602 (2019).
近日,我院玉米研究所青年英才田金歌研究员以第一作者在国际著名学术期刊Nature杂志在线发表研究论文“Maize smart-canopy architecture enhances yield at high densities”,该成果为其博士后期间相关研究内容。该研究首次在玉米中鉴定到“智慧...
Plant Microbiome 中国科学院大学 理学博士7 人赞同了该文章 植物拥有与植物根部、叶际、根际和组织内相关的多种微生物群落,并包含细菌、真菌、原生生物、线虫和病毒。来自不同研究领域的大量研究扩展了我们对植物、相关微生物群落以及环境之间复杂相互作用的知识,并提供了对这种共同关联的生态学和功能的见解,...
Automatic detection and counting of wheat spike based on DMseg-Count Hecang Zang Yilong Peng Hualei Shen ResearchOpen Access29 Nov 2024 Scientific Reports Volume: 14, P: 29676 Conservation agriculture enhances maize yields and profitability in Mexico’s semi-arid highlands Abel Saldivia-Tejeda...
A natural mutant of maize exhibits leaf characteristics in line with the ‘smart canopy’ ideotype for high-density planting and boosts yields in large-scale field trials. Jinge Tian ,Chenglong Wang &Feng Tian Article|14 June 2023 Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen...
3. Goodman, M. M. et al. “Maize cross incompatibility and the promiscuous Ga1‐m allele,” in Plant Breeding Reviews. vol. 44. Ed. Janick, J. (New York: Wiley), 31-55. 4. Zhang, Z. G. et al. A PECTIN METHYLESTERASE gene at the maize Ga1 locus confers male function in uni...
1月29日,Nature Communications在线发表了题为Microbiome convergence enables siderophore-secreting-rhizobacteria to improve iron nutrition and yield of peanut intercropped with maize的研究成果。该研究发现间作增加了花生但不是玉米植物的铁营养,而且微生物组成在间作实验中的两种植物之间发生了变化和趋同。研究确定了...
4.Zhang, Z.G.et al.A PECTIN METHYLESTERASE gene at the maizeGa1locus confers male function in unilateral cross-incompatibility.Nat.Commun.9, 3678(2018). 植物生物技术Pbj 交流群 为了能更有效地帮助广大的科研工作者获取相关信息,...