进校之初,他本来是准备学化学的,后来逐渐发现自己对物理更感兴趣,于是转到了物理这个领域,进入了“严济慈物理英才班”。 本科期间,曹原勤于思考、善于钻研,在顶尖的Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials和Physical Review B发表两篇第一作者文章。18岁,曹原获得中科大本科生最高荣誉——郭沫若奖学金,并前往麻...
Magnetic materials are materials studied and used mainly for their magnetic properties. The magnetic response of a materials is largely determined by the magnetic dipole moment associated with the intrinsic angular momentum, or spin, of its electrons. A material’s response to an applied magnetic fie...
本科期间,曹原勤于思考、善于钻研,在顶尖的Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials和Physical Review B发表两篇第一作者文章。18岁,曹原获得中科大本科生最高荣誉——郭沫若奖学金,并前往麻省理工大学攻读博士学位。2018年,曹原发现当两层平行石墨烯堆成约1.1°的微妙角度,就会产生超导效应,《Nature》在3...
莱斯大学生物工程系并任职贝勒医学院的Jacob T. Robinson副教授及其团队通过结合磁性纳米粒子和TRPA1-A(一种对温度变化率作出反应的通道蛋白),首次实现了控制果蝇的亚秒级反应,并可以通过调节磁性纳米粒子来响应不同的磁场强度和频率,实现了亚秒级多通道刺激。相关成果以“Subsecond multichannel magnetic control of se...
本科期间,曹原勤于思考、善于钻研,在Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials和Physical Review B发表两篇第一作者文章。毕业后,曹原获得中科大本科生最高荣誉——郭沫若奖学金,并前往麻省理工大学攻读博士学位。此后,也就有了接连两次同天Nature连发两文的故事。如今,数百位世界级学者正在试图拓展他的科研成果...
materials chemistryAtom RSS Feed Materials chemistry articles within Nature FeaturedArticle | 05 February 2025 Metal-halide porous framework superlattices Using zirconium metal–organic frameworks as the host template for directed nucleation and precise growth of metal-halide sublattices, multi-dimensional...
近日,北理工化学与化工学院梁建华课题组在医学一区顶级期刊《European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》上发表了题目为“Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationships of novel 15-membered macrolides: Quinolone/quinoline-containing sidechains tethered to the C-6 position of azithromycin acylides”的论文。
2015, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Citation Excerpt : It is seen that bifurcation of FC and ZFC curves (having irreversibility) at low temperature regime in the similar way as the magnetic materials with competing ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interaction (e.g., spin glass li...
2024年4月26日,加州大学洛杉矶分校生物工程系陈俊助理教授团队在Nature Materials期刊发表题为"Permanent fluidic magnets for liquid bioelectronics "研究论文,团队成员Xun Zhao、Yihao Zhou、Yang Song为论文共同第一作者,陈俊教授为论文通...
Materials known as superconductors transmit electrical energy with 100% efficiency. They have a wide range of applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging in hospitals. However, these applications have been hampered, largely because the superconducting state exists only at temperatures well below room...