British colonial arrangement applied a new system of administration that was fashioned in line with the indirect rule system which was antithetical to the pre-colonial situation. The British imperialism in Nigeria did not only alter the political landscape but they...
InNecropoliticsAchille Mbembe, a leader in the new wave of Francophone critical theory, theorizes the genealogy of the contemporary world—a world plagued by ever-increasing inequality, militarization, enmity, and terror, as well as by a resurgence of racist, fascist, and nationalist forces determine...
War! Society loves war as its ultimate act of hegemony and imperialism. Individuals hate war (unless they are psycho- and socio-pathic). War to individuals harms human dignity of both perpetrators and victims. Society tells its warriors they are noble. Individuals re cognize that what society ...
We emphasize that, although we have done our best to rule out alternative models, the model space in these types of historical analyses is infinite, and it is therefore impossible to ‘prove’ that the scenario inFig. 8is the right one. It is a model that fits the current data well (...
The New Imperialism; Oxford University: Oxford, UK, 2003. 16. Himley, M. Geographies of environmental governance: The nexus of nature and neoliberalism. Geogr. Compass 2008, 2, 433-451. 17. Bakker, K. Commentary: Neoliberal nature, ecological fixes, and the pitfalls of comparative research. ...