diary29 about the nature of human beings Thedarknessofhumanbeings ByHamiltonWangOurworldhaswitnessedthegreatchangeinthepersonalityofhumanbeings.PeopleevenhavenoideaofexactlywhathasbecomeoftheChinesepeople,especiallytheyounggenerationrecentyears.People,nomatterwhattheyare,arejustundergoingtheopenmindedprocess,especially...
HUMAN behaviorRACEEIGHTEENTH centuryRACISMElizabeth Hamilton (1758鈥 1816) has a strikingly egalitarian account of gender in her novels and philosophical writings, where she professes to be offering an account of human nature in general. This paper examines whether she has a similarly egali...
The structure of apolipoprotein B100 from human low-density lipoprotein Zachary T. Berndsen C. Keith Cassidy Article11 Dec 2024 Publisher Correction: An integrated transcriptomic cell atlas of human neural organoids Zhisong He Leander Dony Barbara Treutlein ...
“It was fascinating to visit China and see the amount of investment going into research, as well as to see the types of research that are of interest,” says neuroscientist Antonia Hamilton, of University College London in the United Kingdom. Hamilton was a key speaker at ‘The Great Brain...
2. Although progress has been made in understanding the adaptive value of menopause in humans3,4, the generality of these findings remains unclear. Toothed whales are the only mammal taxon in which menopause has evolved several times5, providing a unique opportunity to test the theories of how ...
2月29日,《Nature》主刊刊登题为《The upward trajectory of China’s ‘Silicon Valley’ for the life sciences》(中国生命科学“硅谷”蓬勃发展)文章,对昌平“生命谷”进行整版报道,重点介绍了中关村生命科学园、生命科学创新走廊、生命科学国际论坛活动及昌平医药健康产业发展情况。
综上所述,这项研究开发基于血浆蛋白质组数据的算法模型以评估器官健康和个体生物学衰老特征,以预测死亡率,特异器官功能改变,疾病风险和进展以及组织衰老异质性。该方法仅需要外周血,简单有效,并为阐释衰老提供分子层面的见解。 原文链接: https://doi.org...
Obviously,it is human beings that should be to blame for the destruction of the wetland.link v.把……联系起来;连接 n.联系;连接 link...to/with...把……和……连接/联系起来link up联合,连接;使结合;使连接be linked to/with与……有关...
1.1. Active Engagement in Human–Nature Interaction Nature contact could be classified into three forms: outdoor, indoor, and indirect [10]. Outdoor nature contact encompasses all interactions with natural elements outdoors, such as hiking and gardening [11]. Indoor nature contact refers to contact...
M. Implications of Arctic sea ice changes for North Atlantic deep convection and the meridional overturning circulation in CCSM4-CMIP5 simulations. Geophys. Res. Let. 40, 1206–1211 (2013). Article ADS Google Scholar Hamilton, L. & Stroeve, J. 400 predictions: the SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook ...