Bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts are usually prepared by dispersion of a metal on an acidic or basic support. Now a method has been developed to post-functionalize a catalyst and introduce tunable acidity by coating an organic acid layer on the support, resulting in improved performance as showca...
Ammonia electrosynthesis from nitrate using a stable amorphous/crystalline dual-phase Cu catalyst The authors develop an efficient and stable amorphous/crystalline dual-phase Cu catalyst towards electrocatalytic nitrate reduction reaction, with an ammonia Faradaic efficiency of around 90% at a high curren...
CO2geological storage at depth in depleted oil reservoirs, saline aquifers or (ultra)mafic rocks is considered as a solution, which may reconcile the use of fossil fuels with the control of greenhouse-gas emissions and associated environmental consequences. The carbon dioxide is stored as supercritica...
the growth rates of the four rhizobial isolates (i.e. potential symbiotic N2fixers) were generally insensitive or even showed a negative response to flavonoids and coumarins (N43,p = 0.0001–0.64; N45,p = 0.04–1.00; N47,0.30–0.84; and N59,p = 0.01–0.95, t...
Effects of the nature of the aluminum source on the acidic properties of some mesotructured materialsAcidityMesoporous silicate frameworkMesostructured aluminosilicatesMicrocalorimetry experiments with ammonia as the probe molecule have shown that Al insertion into the mesoporous silicate framework affects acid...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
16. The process of claim 1, wherein the anion or anion mixture which ensures electroneutrality is at least as acidic as acetic acid. 17. The process of claim 1, wherein the anion or anion mixture which ensures electroneutrality is a halogen. 18. The process of claim 1, wherein the gr...
Soil microbes also may be at risk in the Back to Eden garden. Many people cultivate a healthy microbiome, encouraging beneficial bacteria to dwell there. Using the wrong wood type can wreak havoc on that microbial population. Acidic wood chips are especially dangerous. ...
Ammonia assisted NOx reduction over Cu-exchanged chabazite requires paired [Cu(NH3)2]+ complexes. Here, a machine-learning force field is developed to investigate the influence of aluminium distribution on the diffusion mechanisms and pairing of [Cu(NH3)2]+ complexes. Joachim D. Bjerregaard Martin...
Ammonia synthesis takes NO for an answer Electrochemical methods are emerging as potential ways to electrify the production of ammonia (NH3). Now, researchers have discovered a copper–tin electrocatalyst that can efficiently and selectively achieve high production rates of ammonia from nitric oxide (NO...