Sustaining the organisms, ecosystems and processes that underpin human wellbeing is necessary to achieve sustainable development. Here we define critical natural assets as the natural and semi-natural ecosystems that provide 90% of the total current magn
By accounting for nitrate pollution in rivers, this article estimates that water pollution increases the number of catchments facing water scarcity by 2,000. ‘Annual Water Stress’ in Aqueduct (World Resources Institute, 2023); Fluet-...
India has taken remarkable strides in reforming its power sector, with electricity shortages declining and an electrification of 99.9% of the households across the country13. However, there is still a long way
Half of the African population currently lacks the minimum levels of electricity access defined by the International Energy Agency. However, given the limited fossil fuel dependency and need for energy infrastructure expansion, there are expectations that at least some African countries could avoid fossil...
frTahgemeexntteantsioivnethDeNreAforferabgemcoemnteastionverthwehreflmoriengbefcoormthees boavcetrewrihael lrmepinaigr fmorecthaenbiasmctesr, itahlursepleaaidr imngecthoabnaicstmersi,athceulsl dleeaadthin[g11to0,1b1a1c]t.eria cell death [110,111]. FFiigguurree 88.. CCllaassssiiffi...
World Resources Institute. Paris Contributions Map.CAIT Climate Data Explorer ICAO.Assembly Resolutions in Force (as of 4 October 2013). Report No. 10022,, 2014) ...
In 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (eds Burgin, M. et al.) 428–432 (IEEE, 2009). Jeffreys, H. Theory of Probability (Oxford Univ. Press, 1961). Brauer, M. & Curtin, J. J. Linear mixed-effects models and the analysis of nonindependent data: ...