Psychedelics are serotonin 2A receptor agonists that can lead to profound changes in perception, cognition and mood. In this review, we focus on the basic neurobiology underlying the action of psychedelic drugs. We first discuss chemistry, highlighting the diversity of psychoactive molecules and the ...
Ethics declarations Competing interests All the authors conducted this research responsibly and ethically under an inclusive research environment. The authors declare no competing interests. Peer review Peer review information Nature Machine Intelligence thanks the anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution ...
Ethics has been defined as the study of moral judgment and standards of conduct.A good starting point for considering ethics is to examine the context in which most ethical question arise - relationships among people.The relationship between a CPA and a client offers a number of interesting ...
1). Climate-related extreme events such as floods, heat waves2, droughts and compound events (extreme events emerging together or in succession) have continuously increased, resulting in greater public awareness of climate change as an urgent issue3. With the need for international action paramount...
Moral courses of action, he suggests, are those that lead us closer to this positive ideal. Scientific research addresses morality by explaining how our actions contribute to our well-being. Harris runs against the intellectual grain in stating that moral choices can be set on an objective scale...
1977. Ethics. Inventing Right and Wrong. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Radbruch, Gustav. 1950. Legal Philosophy. In The Legal Philosophies of Lask, Rad¬bruch, and Dabin. Trans. Kurt Wilk, 43–224. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (1st ed. in German 1932.) Radbruch, Gustav. 2006. ...
Notes- There are “good” people and “bad” people in society. As a result, anyone may like or dislike someone based on her personal preference or political affiliation. But, as we have learned so far, the social ethics of Confucianism go beyond simple categories of “good” or “bad”...
Morality: Its nature and justification. New York: Oxford University Press.See, for example, Gene G. James, "Whistleblowing: Its Nature and Justification," Philosophy in Context 10 (1980): 99-117, and Geoffrey Hunt, "Whistle-Blowing," in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, vol. 4 (New York: ...
Initial discussions were held with teachers from various secondary schools to establish the questionnaire design and review the ethics of the study. Following these reviews, questions on mental health and wellbeing were removed from the questionnaire as a precaution for high-risk students. In addition...
Groundwater Governance: key challenges in applying the Global Frameworkfor Action Biorefinery for Glycerol Rich Biodiesel Industry Waste Opening of a system of cracks—on the mechanism of the cyclic lateraleruption of the St. Helens volcano in 1980 ...