Neuroscience is the archetypal multidisciplinary science encompassing a variety of fields that share the common goal of attempting to provide a complete understanding of the structure and function of the central nervous system. A series of advances in molecular, developmental and cognitive neuroscience, ...
Nature NeuroscienceISSN:1097-6256 发文量: 0 影响因子: JCR分区: ISSN:1097-6256 Number of publications: 0 Impact factor: JCR partition:期刊简介《自然神经科学》是一本多学科期刊,发表神经科学各个领域中质量最高、意义重大的论文。编辑们欢迎分子、细胞、系统和认知神经科学以及心理物理学、计算建模和神经...
nature neuroscience影响因子是多少?经最新查询可知,nature neuroscience影响因子为21.3,是一本位于中科院1区的医学领域的神经科学方向的Top(顶级)期刊。 期刊名字NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 期刊ISSN 1097-6256 E-ISSN 1546-1726 2022-2023最新影响因子:25 自引率:1.20% 期刊简介:《自然神经科学是一份多学科杂志,发表神经科学...
学科:NEUROSCIENCESSCIEQ12 / 310 99.52% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数量是均分的。
To the editor—The welcome criticism of the overwhelming weight given to the 'impact factor', in the December editorial(Nature Neuroscience 1, 641–642) has listed some drawbacks and misuses of this bibliometric method that raise serious concerns. Another adverse effect not mentioned in this ...
(ZOC),Sun Yat-sen University published the research paper "Single-cell transcriptomics of adult macaque hippocampus reveals neural precursor cell populations" inNature Neuroscience(impact factor 25). Professors Sheng Liu, Yizhi Liu, and Mengqing Xiang from ZOC and Zhichao Miao from European ...
News & Views05 Jun 2023Nature Neuroscience Volume: 26, P: 926-927 Spinal signals This study suggests that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is released from dendritic spines in response to activity and acts in an autocrine manner to mediate structural plasticity of the spine from which it...
自独立以来,主要成果以最后通讯作者发表在Nature Neuroscience, Nature Aging, Neuron, Cell Reports和Nature Communications等重要刊物上,参与起草了小胶质细胞全球专家共识声明,担任2023年欧洲胶质细胞大会的程序委员会委委员。彭勃课题组的研究工作入选Nature Reviews Immunology评选的2018年度神经免疫学进展(Year In ...
自独立以来,主要成果以最后通讯作者发表在Nature Neuroscience, Nature Aging, Neuron, Cell Reports和Nature Communications等重要刊物上,参与起草了小胶质细胞全球专家共识声明,担任2023年欧洲胶质细胞大会的程序委员会委委员。彭勃课题组的研究工作入选Nature Reviews Immunology评选的2018年度神经免疫学进展(Year In Review:...
自独立以来,主要成果以最后通讯作者发表在Nature Neuroscience, Nature Aging, Neuron, Cell Reports和Nature Communications等重要刊物上,参与起草了小胶质细胞全球专家共识声明,担任2023年欧洲胶质细胞大会的程序委员会委委员。彭勃课题组的研究工作入选Nature Reviews Immunology评选的2018年度神经免疫学进展(Year In Review:...