Senior Editor Florian Ullrich, Dr. rer. nat., Springer Nature, Germany | ORCID Areas of responsibility include: RNA metabolism, membrane transport, enzymology, photosynthesis, synthetic biology. Education: Diploma, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; PhD, Biology, ...
We used XGBoost (extreme gradient boosting), an ensemble machine learning technique based on several sequential decision trees, to identify continuous baseline variables predicting the change in HbA1c, BMI and systolic blood pressure after treatment with the study drugs. The method develops a multivaria...
Areas of responsibility include: molecular biology, neuroscience, metabolism, developmental biology, stem cells, systems biology, genetics, genomics and epigenetics. Mary Abraham, Associate Editor, News & Views, Biological Sciences, London Education: BA Hons, MSci, natural sciences, University of ...
If your dog has a serious problem with you, Mogens will be happy to explain it to you, so you can re-establish harmony in the pack. Here is how youget startedon preparing such a consultation. Mogens Eliasen will call you - no matter where on Planet Earth you live, and he will talk...
Sleep & metabolism: the multitasking ability of lateral hypothalamic inhibitory circuitries. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 44, 27–34 (2017). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Aoi, M. C., Mante, V. & Pillow, J. W. Prefrontal cortex exhibits multidimensional dynamic encoding during decision-making. Nat. ...
(Ark Pharma, AK-47482) was carefully added to the cells in the incubation chamber when the time-lapse imaging was started. NIS-Elements Microscope Imaging Software (Nikon) was used for image acquisition. Images were processed using NIS-Elements and ImageJ 1.53t (National Institutes of Health)....
During her PhD Anna focused on the time-of-day dependent regulation of nuclear receptors by the circadian clock and its effects on physiology and metabolism. Anna is based in the Berlin office. E-mail:* Associate Editor: Maria-Teresa PiccoliMaria-Teresa joined Nature ...
In addition to core immunological topics such as adaptive and innate immunity, immunogenetics, immune cell biology, immune metabolism, and inflammation, we also bridge between fundamental and clinical/translational immunology. Team Manager and Senior Editor: Ching-yu HuangChing-yu joined Nature ...
Cravings that precede loss of control (LOC) over food consumption present an opportunity for intervention in patients with the binge eating disorder (BED). In this pilot study, we used responsive deep brain stimulation (DBS) to record nucleus accumbens (
Nature Metabolism volume 4, pages 180–189 (2022)Cite this article 4058 Accesses 23 Citations 24 Altmetric Metrics details A Publisher Correction to this article was published on 16 March 2022This article has been updatedAbstract Adult skeletal muscle is a highly plastic tissue that readily reduces...