Science同样是新智元报道人工智能、机器人、人工智能与疾病研究、脑科学的结合等重点关注的期刊。 新智元 × Science: Science重磅:史上首次!MIT研究用AI控制动物大脑活动【Science重磅】DeepMind生成查询网络GQN,无监督学习展现3D场景最新Science:类脑“人造突触”实现运算存储同步,能耗仅需计算机的十分之一 《细胞》(CE...
Science是美国科学促进会(AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。该期刊的主要关注点是重要的原创性科学研究和科研综述,此外Science也发表科学相关的新闻、关于科技政策和科学家感兴趣的事务的观点。同Nature一样,Science期刊涵盖所有学科。 Science同样...
Readers might detect a theme in this year’s technologies to watch: the outsized impact of deep-learning methods. But one such tool did not make the final cut: the much-hyped artificial-intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots. ChatGPT and its ilk...
Science是美国科学促进会(AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。该期刊的主要关注点是重要的原创性科学研究和科研综述,此外Science也发表科学相关的新闻、关于科技政策和科学家感兴趣的事务的观点。同Nature一样,Science期刊涵盖所有学科。 Science同样...
A classic question in cognitive science is whether learning requires innate, domain-specific inductive biases to solve visual tasks. A recent study trained machine-learning systems on the first-person visual experiences of children to show that visual knowledge can be learned in the absence of innate...
–Data sciences and machine learning(招机器学习的) Successful candidates are expected to publish first-authored papers in high-impact journals and cultivate their mentoring skills by devoting a portion of their time to the supervision of graduate students in the group and the development of new rese...
Nature Machine Intelligence will publish high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics in machine learning, robotics and AI. The journal will also explore and discuss the significant impact that these fields are beginning to have on other scientific disciplines as well as man...
【导读】由MIT媒体实验室领衔,哈佛、耶鲁、马普所等院所和微软、谷歌、脸书等公司的多位研究者参与的课题组,近日在 Nature 发表了一篇以 “Machine behaviour” 为题的综述文章,宣告 “机器行为学” 这门跨越多个研究领域的新兴学科正式诞生。 人工智能正在成为人类社会的重要组成部分,大量人机伦理问题正在被提出和解决...
SCIE期刊 学科领域:COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Nature Machine Intelligence will publish high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics in machine learning, robotics and AI. The journal will also explore and discuss the significant impact that these fields are beginn...
最近一篇发表于 Nature Computational Science 的论文《用准实验量化数据科学中的因果关系》回顾了计量经济学中常用的方法:基于观察数据、利用数据的随机波动——即借助准实验判定因果关系的方法。同时,作者展示了如何将该方法与机器学习相结合,在典型的数据科学环境中回答因果问题。该文还强调了数据科学家如何能够帮助推进...