The metric definitions below are shared by all Springer Nature journals. Citation Impact Journal Impact Factor The Journal Impact Factor is defined as all citations to the journal in the current JCR year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items...
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View all journals Search Log in Explore content About the journal Publish with us Subscribe Sign up for alerts RSS feed nature environmental impactAtom RSS Feed Environmental impact articles within Nature FeaturedArticle | 12 February 2025 Global biodiversity loss from outsourced deforestation An...
7,123social science journals; 3,248arts & humanities journals; More than5,600journals publish all their content asopen access; and 9,136journals receive aJournal Impact Factorfor the first time. 2. 影响因子下降? 与去年相比,多本高质量经典期刊的影响因子普遍下降,可能是去年冲的太猛了。 CA霸榜多...
[2] PYO S, LEE W, LEE J. A novel journal evaluation metric that adjusts the impact factors across different subject categories. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2016,15(1)99-109. [3] BRADSHAW C J A, BROOK B W...
The ability to closely collaborate with other Nature Portfolio journals is one of the strengths of belonging to the Nature Research family. In the future, we are especially excited about the opportunity to keep our ties to Nature close, as one of our editors, George Caputa, will be leaving ...
Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text and the Springer Nature Journal Suggester provides a list of relevant journals. You can refine the results based on requirements for Impact Factor or publishing model, including an option to match to journals that are fully op...
COPE membership helps differentiate legitimate journals from the increasing number of predatory and poor-quality outlets. It is one of the indicators of quality used by important third parties such as Clarivate Analytics (for Journal Impact Factor) and indexers (e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Googl...
“But everyone recognizes that we’re [beholden] to it. This is the first step to a more mature evaluation process for journals.” The TOP Factor attempts to capture elements of journal quality that aren’t considered by standard metrics such as impact factor, which is solely based on citati...
The Science of Nature -Naturwissenschaften- is Springer's flagship multidisciplinary science journal. The journal is dedicated to the fast publication and global dissemination of high-quality research and invites papers, which are of interest to the broader community in the biological sciences. Contributi...