The EMBO Journal The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology The Plant Cell 化学(15本) Advanced Materials (2023 IF: 29.4) Analytical Chemistry (2023 IF: 7.4) Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2023 IF: 16.6) Chemical ...
View a complete list of all research institutions, their research outputs, collaborations and more. Generate a table of institutions ordered by research outputs, by region or country/territory of interest, sector, subject area or journal group. ...
View a complete list of all research institutions, their research outputs, collaborations and more. Generate a table of institutions ordered by research outputs, by region or country/territory of interest, sector, subject area or journal group. ...
The Netherlands punches above its weight in the country list, and a Canadian institution demonstrates the strength of its clinical collaborations. By Bianca Nogrady Twitter Facebook Email The United States dominates global health-sciences publishing in the Nature Index Annual Tables 2023, the first ...
View a complete list of all research institutions, their research outputs, collaborations and more. Generate a table of institutions ordered by research outputs, by region or country/territory of interest, sector, subject area or journal group. ...
已在国际杂志Nature Catalysis, Nature Energy, Nature Reviews Materials等催化和化学领域期刊发表了>220篇文章,H-index 72。科睿唯安2022高被引科学家。同时是四个国际杂志的主编/编辑或者副主编,包括Applied Catalysis B, Journal o...
The Nature Podcast festive spectacular 2024 Games, seasonal science songs, and Nature’s 10. Opinion Give ‘science for peace’ a chance An initiative from two research organizations to boost the role of science in peace-making in Africa needs to be supported. ...
1️⃣ IF最高的期刊依然是CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians,但IF从去年的286.13降到今年的254.7,降幅达12.34%。 2️⃣ 医学四大刊(Lancet、NEJM、JAMA、BMJ)依然强势,排名靠前。 3️⃣ 传统老牌期刊NCS(Nature、Cell、Science)的IF也普遍降低,Nature略胜Cell一筹,Science的IF下降超一成,排名跌出...
13 Jul 2023 Research Integrity All about research integrity: a beginner's guide & an in-depth course A guide and an in-depth course on research integrity and its application to your research and work. T The Source 01 Jun 2023 Blog posts from "The Link"Startpage "The Link" ...
更多更全请关注 WX GZH:BioJournal Link标题预览 Prime editing using CRISPR-Cas12a and circular RNAs in human cells KARR-seq maps higher-order RNA structures and RNA–RNA interactions across the transcriptome KARR-seq reveals cellular higher-order RNA structures and RNA–RNA interactions Eavesdropping ...