Nature Genetics publishes the very highest quality research in genetics. It encompasses genetic and functional genomic studies on human traits, agricultural genomics and other model organisms.
The atlas reveals previously unappreciated anatomical and cellular diversity, insights into obesity genetics and key therapeutic differences between humans and mice. News & Views | 05 February 2025 Genetic and geographical origins of Eurasia’s influential Yamna culture Ancient genomes from modern ...
Genetics is the branch of science concerned with genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms. It seeks to understand the process of trait inheritance from parents to offspring, including the molecular structure and function of genes, gene behaviour in the context of a cell or organism (e...
原研究论著:Shujia Huang et al, The Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study enables generational genetic discoveries, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06988-4 新闻与观点(NEWS AND VIEWS): Nicholas John Timpson, An early look at birth cohort ...
News & Views Brain fluid probed by ultrasound using squishy cubes 使用柔软立方体通过超声波探测脑液 随着压力、温度和 pH 值的变化而膨胀的软固体提供了一种检测脑周围液体中此类变化的方法。该方法可用于确定身体其他部位液体的其他特性。 Neural pathways...
3月7日,国际顶级杂志《自然•遗传学》(Nature Genetics, IF=31.616)在线发表了我校张献龙教授领导的棉花团队的最新研究成果:“棉花驯化过程中的不对称亚基因组选择和顺式调控分歧”(Asymmetric subgenome selection and cis-regulatory divergence during cotton domestication)。这项研究不仅首次提出了棉花纤维驯化的遗传...
值得一提的是,Nature在“News and Views”栏目配发了题为A new green revolution on the horizon 的评论文章,高度评价了该研究,认为该研究成果对可持续农业具有重要意义。为了让读者更好的理解该研究的内容及意义,我们邀请到中国科学院院士,华南农业大学刘耀光教授对该工作进行了解读和点评,以飨读者!
年终大盘点3,2018年Nature Genetics仅发表18篇植物科学方向研究文章,其中来自中国的实验室9篇,再次达到半数,文章分别如下: News and Views | 29 August …
C. Nature Genetics June (2002) A News and Views article on a paper that reports a new insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish, which enables genes to be mutated and cloned quickly and efficiently. ●Mechanism and functions of Eph and ephrin signalling. Kullander, K. & Klein, R. Nature ...
Nature Genetics February (2005) Recent evidence from dogs indicates that selection can act on tandem repeats. This News and Views article considers the idea that selection on this class of mutations might have contributed to the dramatic morphological and behavioural differences between dog breeds. ●...