Predictable recovery rates in near-surface materials after earthquake damage A study in the Atacama Desert shows that the recovery pace of damaged subsurface materials after large earthquakes is set by the material properties, not ground shaking intensity. This finding can help postseismic hazard mitig...
First published in 1869, Nature is the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.
Cover Damage control 损害控制 封面展示了2015年在中国贵阳发生的一起悲剧:一栋九层高的建筑轰然倒塌,其后果触目惊心。这场灾难性的建筑坍塌不仅造成了巨大的经济损失,更令人痛心的是,它还夺走了许多人的生命。为了应对此类悲剧,传统的建筑设计采取了一种策...
Urban vegetation can benefit people’s physical health by absorbing harmful airborne particulates and other pollutants produced by fossil fuel-powered transport and industry. It may improve mental health in this way as well. Evidence is emerging that exposure to these pollutants can...
or traverse into another species49. Concerns have even been raised over the potential misuse of gene drives for the purposes of causing economic damage or even bioterrorism125. Whereas some have called for a moratorium on the research of gene drives or a restriction in the availability of technic...
Amplification of autoimmune organ damage by NKp46-activated ILC1s NKp46激活的ILC1会放大自身免疫器官损伤 (导读 领研网)自身免疫病的发病具有隐匿性、遗传倾向、难治性与复发性。本研究揭示了NKp46调节ILC1-巨噬细胞-肾实质细胞轴在不影响自身免疫条件下促进肾脏炎性级联反应放大,导致组织损伤,该结果为自身免疫...
But don’t let its beauty fool you; tornadoes can wreak havoc, with wind speeds exceeding 300 miles per hour in the most extreme cases. Adjusting our focus to the scale of destruction, the Enhanced Fujita Scale rates tornadoes from EF0 to EF5 based on the damage they inflict. An EF0 ...
Immunity and inflammation are key elements of the pathobiology of stroke, a devastating illness second only to cardiac ischemia as a cause of death worldwide. The immune system participates in the brain damage produced by ischemia, and the damaged brain, in turn, exerts an immunosuppressive effect...
Coming up, does working from home damage productivity? Maybe not, at least if you’re in the office some of the time. More on that later, right now it’s time for the Research Highlights, withDan Fox. Dan Fox For much of 2019, Europe, the Middle East and Africa were awash with pai...
plants with thick branches, as well as supporting structure deformations caused by an inappropriate estimation of the green weight. These possible problems are connected to the disposal of excess water from the building envelope. Failure to drain water from the façade may damage windows and doors...