∙ 1. Formats for Nature contributions Nature文稿格式 o 1.1 Articles文章 o 1.2 Letters快报 o 1.3 Brief Communications Arising and Corrections通信与校正 o 1.4 Other types of submission其他 ∙ 2. The editorial process编辑处理过程 ∙ 3. Presubmission enquiries投稿前询问...
6. 投稿前询问(Presubmission enquiries) 对文章或来信类论文,不要求进行投稿前询问,而且也难以对投稿前询问进行可靠评价。作为一项政策,《Nature》杂志的编辑在看到一篇论文的全部内容之前不会绝对承诺将其送审,所以建议作者提交完整论文以供考虑。然而,如果作者希望做一次投稿前询问时,则应通过《Nature》杂志网址上的投...
1.3BriefCommunicationsArisingandCorrections通信与校正 1.4Othertypesofsubmission其他 2.Theeditorialprocess编辑处理过程 3.Presubmissionenquiries投稿前询问 4.Readability易读性 5.FormatofArticlesandLetters格式 5.1Titles标题 5.2Text正文 5.3Methods方法 5.4References引文 ...
Formats for Nature contributions 1.1 Articles 1.2 Letters 1.3 Brief Communications Arising and Corrections 1.4 Other types of submission 2. The editorial process 3. Presubmission enquiries 4. Readability 5. Format of Articles and Letters 5.1 Titles 5.2 Text 5.3 Methods 5.4 References 5.5 End notes ...
Presubmission enquiriesare an author service and are not required by the journal. They must take the form of a paragraph stating the interest to a broad readership, a fully referenced summary in the style for Letters, and a reference list. Pres 13、ubmission enquiries are not available for ...
6. 投稿前询问(Presubmission enquiries) 对“文章”或“来信”类论文,不要求进行投稿前询问,而且也难以对投稿前询问进行 可靠评价。作为一项政策,《Nature》杂志的编辑在看到一篇论文的全部内容之前不会 绝对承诺将其送审,所以建议作者提交完整论文以供考虑。 然而,如果作者希望做一次投稿前询问时,则应通过《Nature》...
How to submit a manuscript-Nature.Science1 科学网-邹晓辉的博客-[转载](Nature)How to submit a manuscript?管理我的博客所有文章 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/DELL/桌面/新建文件夹 (2)/How to submit a manuscript-Nature.htm[2010-8-6 14:18:28]
Presubmission enquiries are not available for Brief Communications. 4. Readability Contributions should be clear and simple so that they are accessible to readers in other disciplines and to readers for whom English is not their first language. A useful set of writing guides is available at /how...
(name and institution) and conform to the following formatting requirements: Colour mode = CMYK (not RGB) File format = .tif, .eps, or .jpg Minimum resolution = 300 dpi at 21 cm wide by 12 cm high FURTHER INFORMATION For enquiries related to submission requirements, please...