近日,朱新广研究员团队联合中国农科院生物技术研究所路铁刚研究员团队及中国科学院遗传发育所梁承志研究员团队在Nature Communications上发表了题为“A dominant role of tranional regulation during the evolution of C4photosynthesis in Flaveria species”的研究论文,系统解析了黄顶菊属(Flaveria)中编码C4光合作用途径酶...
成果以第一作者发表于Nature Plants(2021)、Nature Protocols(2023)、PNAS(2018、2015)、New Phytologist(2021)、Trends in Plant Science(2016);(2)阐明营养信号调控囊泡运输参与自噬体形成与关闭的分子机制,成果以第一作者及并列通讯作者发表于 Nature Communications(2023)、PNAS(2021)、Autophagy(2021)、Plant ...
这一年,中心和中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会共同主办的英文学术期刊Molecular Plant《分子植物》(IF:17.1)及其姊妹刊Plant Communications《植物通讯》(IF:9.4)共同入选了今年中国科技期刊卓越行动计划二期项目,助力提升我国植物科学研究的国际影响力。中心积极促进国内外合作,继续加强与英国约翰·英纳斯中心的交流合作,续...
Trends in Plant Science | 能促进病害也能引发植物抗性的双重功能蛋白! New Phytologist | 朱永官团队综述全球变化对叶际微生物组的影响! Nature Communications | 发现抑制植物免疫反应的化合物!研究植物免疫的新工具! Current Biology | 苏黎世大学Cyril Zipfel团队揭示植物免疫信号调节磷转运的机制! Nature | 何祖华...
Nature Communications is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group since 2010. The editor in chief is Lesley Anson. It is multidisciplinary in scope, with coverage that includes all topics in physics, chemistry, and biology. The online-only journal is ...
近日,我校生命科学学院博士研究生路俊尧以第一作者在《Nature Communications》(中科院一区TOP期刊,影响因子14.7)在线发表了题为“N-glycosylation of SnRK2s affects NADPH maintenance in peroxisomes during prolonged ABA signalling”的研究论...
2024年1月2日,华南农业大学姜子德及孔广辉共同通讯在Nature Communications在线发表题为“A plant cell death-inducing protein from litchi interacts with Peronophythora litchii pectate lyase and enhances plant resistance”的研究论文,该研究鉴定了两个PeLs, PlPeL1和PlPeL1-like,对Peronophythora litchii on ...
Multispecies deep learning using citizen science data produces more informative plant community models By modelling the distribution of the entire Swiss flora using deep learning and citizen science data, this study demonstrates a method that predicts flowering phenology and potentially dominant tree specie...
近年来,多名校友先后在《Nature》《Science》《Nature Plants》《Nature Communications》《Molecular Plant》等国际顶级期刊发表科研成果,多人入选长江学者、国家杰青和国家优青。下一步,学校将围绕“6124”校友工作思路,加强校友走访联络,深化校友会组织体系建设,聚焦经济社会和学校发展的重大需求,赋能校友成长成才与...
Nature Communications will publish high-quality papers from all areas of science that represent important advances within specific scientific disciplines, but that might not necessarily have the scientific reach of papers published in Nature and the Nature research journals. For papers that could satisfy...