我遇到过同样的情况,询问了编辑,他说是送给editorial board了。大概就是编辑拿不准要不要送审,毕竟...
我投了三次,一次nature sustainability一次nature geoscience 一次nature communications,前两个一周内就拒了,受审的话就有机会,等等吧。我
总体来说,对于才创刊仅4年时间的Communications Biology,是一本潜力非常大的期刊,而且期刊的整体发展势头是非常不错的,目前年发文量已经破1000篇,期刊依然仍处于发展上升期。对比Nature子刊中的Nature Communications和Scientific Reports;Nat...
获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目资助和第四届江苏青年光学科技奖,研究成果获得中国光学十大进展(应用研究类)。在Science、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters、Nano Letters、Light:Science & Applications和Advanced Materials等学术刊物上发表论文60余篇,总引用次数超过1000次。 报告题目:激...
Nature Communications14, Article number:5920(2023)Cite this article 18kAccesses 17Citations 13Altmetric Metrics Abstract Rational design of chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells based on the recognition of antigenic epitopes capable of evoking the most potent CAR activation is an important objectiv...
Communications journals The Communications journals sit within Nature Portfolio and have a mission to publish research that enhances and brings new insight to their subject area. The journals share a collaborative editorial model with in-house and external editors working together. We complement the ...
现在Nature Communications要求挺高的,一正一负的看法估量申述都没有盼望,你两个都是负的,基本不行能了 虽然审稿人的评价貌似中立甚至确定,但编辑不太认可,说缺乏概念性的突破。。而且还很明确地指出审稿人不得打算文章能否发表。。这就很明白了。。意思是编辑想拒,审稿人没有丝毫打算权 3. science或nature系列...
共发表论文100余篇,包括Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Proceedings of the IEEE,IEEE Electron Device Letters以及国际电子器件会议IEDM等。论文总他引次数超过5000余次,h因子32。曾获2007年国际半导体器件研讨会最佳学生报告奖,...
We achieve this byhaving a unified policy that encourages posting of preprints on preprint servers, supports citation and open licensing of preprints with the expectation that authors will respect our policies on communications with the media. ...
To gain insight into changes of scholarly journals’ recommendations, we conducted a systematic review of studies that analysed journals’ Instructions to Authors (ItAs). We summarised results of 153 studies, and meta-analysed how often ItAs addressed: 1