Nano Research (2024) An anisotropic van der Waals dielectric for symmetry engineering in functionalized heterointerfaces Zeya Li Junwei Huang Hongtao Yuan Nature Communications (2023) A tale of two dimensionalities Matthieu Fortin-Deschênes Fengnian Xia Nature Materials (2022)Download...
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 469 (2023) Cite this article 17k Accesses 44 Citations 31 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The complex and dynamic three-dimensional organization of chromatin within the nucleus makes understanding the control of gene expression challenging, but also ...
GZHU科研论文 │ 我院王墨副教授在Nature Communications发表最新研究成果►►►近期,广州大学建筑与城市规划学院王墨副教授参与同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、上海自主智能无人系统科学中心吴志强院士团队科研项目,并在城市雨洪管理领域取得重...
5, which all serve to underpin the hunting and fishing economies of Inuit communities in the region3,6The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has identified the NOW as one of the most ecologically significant marine areas in the Arctic and proposed it as a UNESCO Natural Marine World Heritage Site...
Fig. 5: MET404 is a secreted protein that interacts with MET. aImmunoblot of concentrated supernatant from the culture medium of GSC456, GSC23 and GSC28 cells with the indicated modifications. EV, empty vector; Circ, stable OE of circMET; Mut, stable OE of circMET with insertion mutation...
Learning effective molecular feature representation to facilitate molecular property prediction is of great significance for drug discovery. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in pre-training graph neural networks (GNNs) via self-supervised lea
in structure-function coupling and the unimodal-transmodal functional gradient was still statistically significant (Pearsonρ = −0.53;P < 10−5). Collectively, these results suggest that the contribution of low-frequency eigenmodes is not uniform across the brain but concentrated on the...
Quiescent cells require a continuous supply of proteins to maintain protein homeostasis. In fission yeast, entry into quiescence is triggered by nitrogen stress, leading to the inactivation of TORC1 and the activation of TORC2. In this study, we demonstr
Pöschl, U. & Shiraiwa, M. Multiphase chemistry at the atmosphere–biosphere interface influencing climate and public health in the anthropocene.Chem. Rev.115, 4440–4475 (2015). ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Hallquist, M. et al. The formation, properties and impact of secondary organic aerosol...
(3L)ED4475). Expression of humanUAS-TANC2failed to rescue lethality but viability was restored upon introduction of an 80 kb P[acman] genomic BAC rescue (GR) construct (Fig.5b)32. These data indicaterolsMI02479-TG4.1is a loss-of-function allele, and that this allele is responsible ...