2024年1月,法国图卢兹大学等单位的相关研究人员在《Nature Communications》(IF: 16.6)上发表了题为“15-Lipoxygenase promotes resolution of inflammation in lymphedema by controlling Treg cell function throughIFN-β”的研究论文,揭示了15-脂氧合酶(15-LO)可通过介导调节性T(Treg)细胞减轻淋巴水肿(LD)诱导的炎...
截止2024 年 12 月 26 日,Nature Communications 期刊在 2024 年的发文量高达惊人的 10749 篇。其每篇文章的版面费 (Article processing charge, APC) 为 £5090.00/$6790.00/€5690.00,折合人民币大约为 49550 元。那么,Nature Co...
Nature Communications 15, 4743 (2024) Recent theoretical studies have suggested that transition metal perovskite oxide membranes can enable surface phonon polaritons in the infrared range with low loss and much stronger subwavelength confinement than bulk crystals. Such modes, however, have not been ex...
Nature Communications 15, 2373 (2024) Polaritons in two-dimensional layered crystals offer an effective solution to confine, enhance and manipulate terahertz (THz) frequency electromagnetic waves at the nanoscale. Recently, strong THz field confinement has been achieved in a graphene-insulator-metal st...
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 2412 (2024) Cite this article 26k Accesses 732 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Fire suppression is the primary management response to wildfires in many areas globally. By removing less-extreme wildfires, this approach ensures that remaining wildfires ...
狂赚5个亿!Nature Communications | 狂赚5个亿!Nature Communications期刊2024年版面费总收入 Nature Communications期刊(NC),自2010年创刊后,发文量从146篇快速增长到过万篇【发文量飙增】。截止2024年12月26日,Nature Communications期刊在2024年的发文量高达惊人的10068篇。
2024年1月2日,南京医科大学郭雪江等团队合作在Nature Communications在线发表题为“STYXL1 regulates CCT complex assembly and flagellar tubulin folding in sperm formation”的研究论文,该研究报道了CCT复合体的生殖细胞特异性辅助因子STYXL1。Styxl1的缺失导致男性不育和精子鞭毛微管缺陷。Styxl1-/-精子的蛋白质组学分...
2024年10月9日,青岛农业大学杨建明教授、青岛大学刘爱骅教授、西里西亚技术大学Serge Cosnier教授在国际顶级期刊Nature Communications发表题为《Efficient conversion of hemicellulose into high-value product and electric power by enzyme-engineered bacterial consortia》的研究论文,青岛农业大学梁波副教授为论文第一作者,杨建...
Nature Communications15, Article number:7101(2024)Cite this article 18kAccesses 4Citations 4Altmetric Metrics Abstract The inference of cell–cell communication (CCC) is crucial for a better understanding of complex cellular dynamics and regulatory mechanisms in biological systems. However, accurately infe...
值得深入探寻。2024年,在Nature Communications发文机构里,中科院居首,国内顶尖高校表现出色,浙大293篇、...