当时科研届对PloS One的称呼是“开源期刊新贵”。 许是尝到了甜头,2010年之后,PloS One发刊量激增,甚至在2013年达到了令人震惊的顶峰——31825篇(该记录目前还没有期刊打破过)! 同年Nature发文2729篇,Science发文2689篇,Cell发文615篇,PNAS发文篇35篇。PloS One在2013年的发文量比这四大顶刊加起来乘以5还要多,...
Please use the one-click button provided by EndNote to remove EndNote codes before saving your file. As a guideline, Articles allow up to 50 references in the main text if needed and within the average page budget. Only one publication can be listed for each number. Additional references ...
8月2日,湖北大学生命科学学院、省部共建生物催化与酶工程国家重点实验室吴姗教授团队与浙江大学医学院郭江涛教授团队、杨帆教授团队合作,在国际重要学术期刊Nature在线发表题为“Structures and mechanisms of the Arabidopsis auxin transporter PIN3”(拟南芥生长素转运蛋白PIN3的结构和机制)的研究论文。该成果作为植物生长...
参考文献格式https://endnote.com/downloads/styles/ 编辑信息 Chief Editor:Kim Baumann, Ph.D.ORCiD Kim Baumann carried out her Ph.D. and postdoctoral research at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK. She first studied the molecular mechanisms underlying changes in plant cell shape in the laborat...
Areas of responsibility include: chemical biology, membrane transport (including channels and transporters), enzymology, metabolic engineering.bryden.lebailly#nature.com* Barbara Marte, Senior Editor, Biology, London Education: Diploma in Human Biology, University of Marburg; PhD, Cell Biology, University...
Alexia于2010年加入Nature Cell Biology编辑团队,将癌症生物学作为该期刊的主要领域,同时还处理从核心细胞生物学到生物物理学的广泛领域。她于2015年晋升为Nature Cell Biology的主编, 于2019年成为Nature Cancer的主编。 Nature目前的全部53本子刊如下: JZUS...
2024年3月回国加入浙江大学生命科学学院。课题组的研究方向为肠道微生物组学。相关成果发表于Cell host & Microbe, Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology,Microbiome, Annual review of microbiology, ISME, Environment International等。 近五年代表性研究成果...
To enrich for neural crest cell-derived facial mesenchyme after dam killing as described above, maxillary and mandibular processes were isolated from the developing face of embryos at E10.5 (ref. 92). Using a dissecting stereomicroscope, the myometrium, decidua, chorion and amnion were pulled away...
(see details below) so that our multi-institutional team could screen individual articles simultaneously. Full texts were stored and accessed in EndNote. Some screeners were not able to access EndNote, so the full texts they were assigned were stored and accessed via Google Drive. All screeners...
Nathalie joined Nature Communications in 2019 after 14 years on the editorial teams of Nature Cell Biology and Nature. She studied molecular and cell biology at the ENS-Ulm in Paris, and joined the EMBL graduate programme in Heidelberg in 1995. She also carried out post-doctoral work at the ...