Nature Neuroscience,Nature Photonics,Nature Physics,Nature Structural and Molecular Biology等。am期刊和Nature子刊的影响因子都较高,这表明它们在各自领域内具有较高的学术影响力。但是,选择哪个期刊投稿取决于研究的内容和目标读者。综上所述,无法简单地判断am和Nature子刊哪个更好,需要根据具体的研究...
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这一部分一般不应超过800个单词,最好再短一些。方法部分在自然科学(physical?sciences)?稿件中不常见。? 4.4致谢(Acknowledgements)? 篇幅较短,其位置在参考文献列表之后。《Nature》杂志不发表研究课题得到的资助或经费的数量,也不发表对匿名审稿人和编辑的感谢或过分热情的话语。文章和来信类论文在致谢之后有这样一句...
Nature Cell Biology volume 12, page 413 (2010)Cite this article 6389 Accesses Metrics details A new Nature research journal for the biological, physical and chemical sciences. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese ...
In situ visualization of endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicle formation in steady state and malignant conditions The extrusion of large extracellular vesicles is an important mechanism that facilitates cell-to-cell communication and maintains homoeostasis. Here, Atkin-Smith et al. use intravital...
相关研究结果“Re-designing Interleukin-12 to enhance its safety and potential as an anti-tumor immunotherapeutic agent”于11月9日在线发表于国际著名期刊《Nature》子刊《Nature Communications》(影响因子为12.124)上。郑州大学为第一作者单位,基础医学院王鹏举老师为第一作者,王尧河教授为通讯作者。研究工作得到了...
Nature Communications is the leading multidisciplinary Open Access journal, publishing high-quality scientific research. To help us to build on the success of this journal, we're looking for an expert in cell biology. The responsibilities include: Handling original research papers and working closely ...