We believe that high-quality nature-based solutions are those that reduce or remove CO2while also delivering benefits for communities and the natural environment. Carbon farming in Australia In 2020, Shell acquired Select Carbon, an environmental services company that specialises in developing and aggreg...
nature-based solutionadaptive managementcircular economyIt is time to move beyond the era of conflict and develop a new shared vision for the management of Australia's public forests. We need more holistic approaches that encompass all forest values across the landscape, rather than the current ...
Nature-based solutions (NbS), sometimes referred to as engineering with nature, is a design approach that leverages the positive benefits of natural systems in conjunction with traditional engineering. Weaving natural features and processes into our design work increases long-term human, ecological, and...
Nature-based solutions provide a promising—yet often overlooked—pathway to bolster NDCs. For example, blue carbon strategies involve protecting and sustainably managing coastal and marine ecosystems, which store and sequester carbon and provide a suite of co-benefits that can help communities adapt to...
Quantifying how well Nature-based Solutions can offset anthropogenic climate change impacts is important for adaptation planning, but has rarely been done. Here we show that a widely-applied Nature-based Solution in South Africa – invasive alien tree clearing – reduces the impact of anthropogenic ...
Our investment strategies support the role of forests as nature-based solutions, provide sustainable wood fibre for the growing circular bioeconomy, and contribute to the sustainable development of regional economies and rural communities. Real assets Forestry We offer diverse regional opportunities in fore...
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) applied to the built environment, namely, green roofs and walls, and urban greening can contribute to alleviate climate change mitigating urban heat island (UHI), providing a healthier urban environment, and contributing to restore natural ecosystems. In turn, UHI mitig...
we demonstrate in this global analysis that reforesting mangroves on previously degraded or converted sites provides greater benefit to carbon sequestration than afforesting tidal flats or other marginal locations. As nature-based solutions are established to simultaneously confer enhanced blue carbon sink...
building dykes, walls, or leaving vacant spaces on the ocean-side of their development, none of which were nature-based solutions) in case of a future tsunami. This was supported by the acceptance and implementation of the aforementioned policies (Mathiventhan, 2013). Marginal and politically in...
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are nature-based solutions that utilize natural vegetation, soils, and microbes to treat domestic wastewater and industrial effluents. They are engineered treatment systems that mimic the functions of natural wetlands to captur