Nature-based learning is an increasingly popular type of early childhood education. Despite this, children's experiences—in particular, their form and function within different settings and how they are viewed by practitioners—are relatively unknown. Accordingly, the use of nature as a setting and...
The Importance of Teaching and Learning Nature of Science in the Early Childhood Yearsearly childhoodnature of scienceteaching strategiesThough research has shown that students do not have adequate understandings of nature of science (NOS) by the time they exit high school, there is also evidence ...
This paper reports initial findings of an exploratory study into the development of professional learning communities in New Zealand's early childhood sector. The study found that the characteristics of effective school-based professional learning communities are also applicable to early childhood settings,...
Diane Bode:Well, what’s really interesting about this to me because I’m learning every nanosecond that I’m out there, I’m learning to empty my cup and be curious and go, “Oh my gosh, if something isn’t working, what’s going on? Is it here within me, am I missing something...
“Guide to Enrolling Your Three- or Four-Year-Old in Pre-K 4 SA,”San Antonio Charter Moms, January 26, 2023 “Together We Can Save Childhood,”Jennifer McCarville,San Antonio Charter Moms, January 25, 2023 “Play-based Learning at JOY Holistic Education,”Adriana Becerra,San Antonio Charte...
Deep learning is driving the rapid evolution of algorithms that can automatically find and trace cells in a wide range of microscopy experiments. Michael Eisenstein Technology Feature27 Nov 2023 Nature Microbial miners take on rare-earth metals As a tech-hungry world gobbles up rare-earth elem...
The MIGI also seeks to stimulate a research agenda that focuses on the importance of microbiota in urban environments, including in early childhood educational settings. Six broad principles based on considerations for microbiota have been developed, with the aim of optimising urban environment design ...
I will add more outdoor learning ideas, nature activities, and nature crafts for nature school preschools, forest schools, and nature-based homeschoolers to this list as we continue to find and create them. So bookmark this page for easy reference, and check back often! If you’re looking...
Randy White is the CEO of the White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a Kansas City, Missouri-based firm that specializes in the design of children’s indoor and outdoor learning, play and leisure environments. Randy can be reached at <> or via the company’s ...
Childhood origins of young adult environmental behavior Psychological Science, 29 (2018), pp. 679-687 Google Scholar Forest School Canada, 2014 Forest School Canada Forest and nature school in Canada: A head, heart, hands approach to outdoor learning Retrieved from