Exploring “Who am I”: the potential of applying the Indian Vedanta philosophical practice of self-enquiry in psychotherapy Corina Yu Zhao ResearchOpen Access25 Feb 2025Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Volume: 12, P: 252 Reappraising consumption nudging—on liberty in the age of climate...
Scientific breakthroughs can change how we understand and live in the world, disrupting long-held assumptions and concepts and raising new questions for philosophy and science. To address these challenges, we describe a model for collaboration of scientists with philosophers and ethicists, and its bene...
There Paul would have learned classic Hellenistic literature, ethics, and philosophy (Stoicism) and these influences do indeed reveal themselves in all his ascribed letters, especially from the Hellenistic Book of Wisdom and other Apocrypha, as well as Philo of Alexandria who is the father of ...
The Contested Nature of Empirical Educational Research (and Why Philosophy of Education Offers Little Help)[J] . D. C. PHILLIPS.Journal of Philosophy of Education . 2005 (4)DC Phillips.The contested nature of empirical educational research (and why philosophy of education offers little help). ...
In Philosophy of Biology, edited by Mohan Matthen and Christopher Stephens, 144–365. Elsevier Xing Y, Phil Jones, and Iain Donnison (2017) Characterisation of Nature-Based solutions for the built environment. Sustainability 9(1):149. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9010149 Article Google Scholar ...
Tagged aseducation,history,Nonfiction,philosophy,science January 13, 2023 · 12:01 pm Cosmogenesis by Brian Thomas Swimme …it feels today that we are in the middle of a profound transformation of humanity. We don’t live in a cosmos. We live in a cosmogenesis, a universe that is becoming...
Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
Philosophy Policy Publishing Research data Research management Show more Latest Research and Reviews Plastics matter in the food system Pollution across the entire plastic lifecycle is a system-wide risk to food. Aspirational indicators related to plastic polymers and chemicals, land use, trade, and wa...
Nature, Artifice, and Discovery in Descartes’ Mechanical Philosophy by Deborah Jean Brown School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia Philosophies 2023, 8(5), 85; https://doi.org/...
My particular focus is the central place of human educability in the theory of human nature. In each case the postulates in question are relevant to education and in each case their significance has been blurred. For there is a wide array of plausible belief which appears to contradict them,...