Yet there seem to be few definitions of what the law of the sea exactly is, what it includes and what falls outside its scope. This chapter tries to provide some elements to move towards a better understanding of the nature of the law of the sea, through a historical analysis, which ...
Through the analysis of the connotation andlegal characteristicsof maritime lien, this paper brings forward some oppugns to this judicial interpretation. 本文通过对船舶优先权概念、法律特征的分析,从船舶优先权适用的地域范围和船舶优先权的客体两方面,对航道养护费的缴付请求能否适用船舶优先权提出质疑。
2, the 2022 United Nations (UN) Ocean Conference recognized the need for transformative change to ‘halt and reverse the decline in the health of the ocean’s ecosystems and biodiversity and to protecting and restoring its resilience and ecological integrity’3. This call echoes the ‘2030 Agenda...
The Law and Politics of the Maritime Boundary Delimitations of the Russian Federation: Part 1 Elferink, Alex G. 1997. "The Law and Politics of the Maritime Boundary Delimitations of the Russian Federation: Part 2." The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 12 (1):5- 35... AGO...
initiatives ofthisnature areimportant because they help to encourage cooperation and coordination between the different bodies with different responsibilities with respect to the Area, the high seas and activities carriedoutinthese maritime spaces.
innovative technologies and solutions related to the functions PMC were not assessed as these were out of the scope of this research. Fig. 1: Overview of the classification of the innovative approaches according to their function and their areas of application....
It also means that the needs of future generations and developing countries have to be taken into account. When the idea of the “common heritage of humankind” was first introduced in the 1960s, a controversy arose. The unclarified problems of this concept relate to the questions of scope,...
Protectionism and the future of the international shipping: The nature, development and role of flag discriminations and preferences, cargo reservations and cabotage restrictions, state intervention and maritime subsidies: Ademuni-Odeke Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1984, xxviii + 446 pp., Dfl. 235.00...
Duress can be classified into three categories according to legal effect: duress without responsibility,duress of exempted responsibility and duress of diminished responsibility.Not belonging to behaviors in criminal law,duress without responsibility is neither justifiable nor excusable;duress of exempted respo...
Ice cores and offshore sedimentary records demonstrate enhanced ice loss along Antarctic coastal margins during millennial-scale warm intervals within the last glacial termination. However, the distal location and short temporal coverage of these records