Aims & Scope Skip to main content Advertisement Nature Mental Healthtakes an expansive view of the relationship between mental health and human health. Not only is mental health a human right and essential to an individual’s wellbeing, but also the mental health of individuals is a crucial ...
one health (OH)This document is an editorial from the journal Frontiers in Psychology titled "One health: the psychology of human-nature relationships for planetary and human wellbeing, volume II." It discusses the importance of the human-nature relationship for mental health a...
Human survival is directly tied to our relationship with the natural environment. Achieving a sustainable lifestyle depends on establishing a balance between the consumption of individuals, and the capacity of the natural environment for renewal. Yet, we
Happiness, in psychology, a state of emotional well-being that a person experiences either in a narrow sense, when good things happen in a specific moment, or more broadly, as a positive evaluation of one’s life and accomplishments overall—that is, sub
Why tumour geography matters — and how to map it Methods for exploring the geography of molecular-scale processes within tissue samples are transforming cancer research, but the toolbox can be daunting. Michael Eisenstein Technology Feature25 Nov 2024 Nature Notching up a win: fresh tools for...
常用的外文文献数据库丨系列4:Nature 英文名称:Nature 中文名称:自然出版集团 创立时间:1869年 出版领域:多学科综合 旗舰期刊:《自然》(Nature)内容大纲 一、 简介 二、 发展历程 三、 旗下期刊 四、 访问方式 一、简介 Nature(自然出版集团)是一个全球知名的国际出版机构,总部位于英国伦敦,主要致力于...
but natural sunlight is critically important for mental health. Sunlight helps regulatecircadian rhythms, leading to improved sleep quality and duration. In fact, seasonal depressive disorder is attributed in large part to time spent indoors, away from the invigorating and regulating effects ...
2024年4月23日,加拿大卑诗省本拿比西蒙弗雷泽大学Lara B. Aknin在Communications Psychology发表题为“People are surprisingly hesitant to reach out to old friends”的研究论文,虽然重新建立联系并不需要花费太多的精力,但该研究发现人们竟然...
This extensive review and meta-analysis delineates the comprehensive body of knowledge describing human spaced and massed verbal learning, as well as theories posited to explain the superiority of spaced training over massed training in terms of inducing long-term memory formation. ...
Psychology Public health This article is cited by Examination of how food environment and psychological factors interact in their relationship with dietary behaviours: test of a cross-sectional model Christina Vogel Gavin Abbott Janis Baird International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity...