《工业与工程化学研究》(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,简称IECR), 《美国化学工程师学会杂志》(AICHE Journal,简称AICHE J), 《化工科学》(Chemical Engineering Science,简称CES)。 上榜理由 文章内容充实,受到本领域认可。IECR更偏向于应用;AICHE J更偏向于老派和严谨;CES更偏向于机理。 6 我的专业:...
《工业与工程化学研究》(Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research,简称IECR), 《美国化学工程师学会杂志》(AICHE Journal,简称AICHE J), 《化工科学》(Chemical Engineering Science,简称CES)。 上榜理由 文章内容充实,受到本领域认可。IECR更偏向于应用;AICHE J更偏向于老派和严谨;CES更偏向于机理。 6 我的专业:催...
Science in 2025: what to expect this year A new wave of obesity drugs, a multitude of space missions and concern over climate-action policies — we run through what to look out for over the next 12 months. Benjamin Thompson & Miryam Naddaf Article...
Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information. Contents 6 Aug 15. Butterfly populations on the verge of collapse. Widespread extinctions of drought-sensitive butterfly populations in the UK could occur as early as 2050, reports a paper published in. 3D-printed device helps ...
First published in 1869, Nature is the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.
Nature Research: science journals, jobs, information and services. This is the new site for nature.com.sci-hub.bz. We'd love to hear what you think please send feedback. Skip to main content. Nature.com.sci-hub.bz. Artist: Danielle Dufault. Royal Ontario Museum. Soft shelly fossils fin...
In January, we analyse raw data from the science-citation database Web of Science, provided by the publishing-analytics firm Clarivate, based in London, and prepare a preliminary list of journals. We share this with relevant publishers, and explain why their journals could end up on the list...
Nature Index 2024 Materials Science Materials science is a rapidly growing area of research in journals tracked by the Nature Index and one where the real-world applications are often an essential part of tackling global environmental and health challenges. This supplement focuses on some of these...
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