, Behavior and environment: Psychological and geographical approaches (pp. 400 - 426). Amsterdam: North-Holland.Pigram J., Human-nature relationships: Leisure environments and natural settings, (in:) T. Garling and R.G. Golledge, eds, Behavior and environment: psychological and geographical ...
Engageinexercisestoreinforceunderstandingofnewwordsandexpressions.ContextualExamples: Provideinstancesofhowvocabularyandphrasesareusedinsentences. DiscussionQuestionsCriticalThinking: Posethought-provokingquestionsforclassdiscussion. DebateTopics: Encouragestudentstodebatedifferentperspectivesonhuman-naturerelationships. GroupActi...
Integrative mapping of human CD8+T cells in inflammation and cancer scAtlasVAE is a deep learning-based model for cross-atlas integration. Here it enables the development of a large-scale human CD8+T cell atlas with integrated T cell receptor data. ...
Using a multipurpose, single-cell CRISPR platform, we demonstrate precise timing of tissue-specific cell expansion during mouse embryonic development, unconventional developmental relationships between cell types, new epithelial progenitor states and insights into precancer initiation by leveraging genetic histo...
(NCI) to identify biological, behavioural and social factors associated with nature connectedness levels. Using an information-theoretic approach, we analysed data from 17% of all Jersey's children aged between 7-18 years (N=1872) to investigate the effects of age, gender, school location and ...
Wired to Connect - Creating Great Relationships Is Human NatureJenni Jepsen
is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect...
geological processes, weather, and physics, such as matter and energy. The term is often refers to the "natural environment" or wilderness—wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches, and in general areas that have not been substantially altered by humans, or which persist despite human intervention....
Eutrophication has been shown to weaken diversity-stability relationships in grasslands, but it is unclear whether the effect depends on scale. Analysing a globally distributed network of grassland sites, the authors show a positive role of beta diversity and spatial asynchrony as drivers of stability...
high in human/mouse and no high-confidence ortholog; see “Methods”. Gene-gene pairs of particular importance in neutrophils are highlighted (HUMAN SYMBOL: Mouse Symbol). Annotated are Orthology relationships between the respective genes as well as species in which the gene was detected as lineage...