谭海仁教授课题组一直致力于新型全钙钛矿叠层电池技术的研究,近年来,在小面积全钙钛矿叠层太阳电池中接连取得突破,先后实现24.8%(Nature energy 864, 4, 2019)、26.4%(Nature 603, 73, 2022)与28.0%(Nature 620, 994, 2023)的认证...
谭海仁教授课题组一直致力于新型全钙钛矿叠层电池技术的研究,近年来,在小面积全钙钛矿叠层太阳电池中接连取得突破,先后实现24.8%(Nature energy 864, 4, 2019)、26.4%(Nature 603, 73, 2022)与28.0%(Nature 620, 994, 2023)的认证...
Nature volume 620, pages 994–1000 (2023)Cite this article 35k Accesses 54 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract All-perovskite tandem solar cells promise higher power-conversion efficiency (PCE) than single-junction perovskite solar cells (PSCs) while maintaining a low fabrication cost1,2,3. However...
Nature 620, 994–1000 (2023). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Yoo, J. J. et al. Efficient perovskite solar cells via improved carrier management. Nature 590, 587–593 (2021). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Liao, W. et al. Fabrication of efficient low-bandgap perovskite ...
Nature 620, 994–1000 (2023). Article Google Scholar Kirchartz, T., Rau, U., Kurth, M., Mattheis, J. & Werner, J.H. Comparative study of electroluminescence from Cu(InGa)Se2 and Si solar cells. Thin Solid Films 515, 6238–6242 (2007). Zeng, Q. et al. A two-terminal all-...
Humans can flexibly change rules to categorize sensory stimuli, but their performance degrades immediately after a task switch. This switch cost is believed to reflect a limitation in cognitive control, although the bottlenecks remain controversial. Here
1000 Business & Society 61,516 4,093 1,277 3,566 20,078 1,994 30,927 11,252 4,948 2,256 79,440 13,622 28,152 1,211 12,347 6,946 1,749 2,627 47,987 15,669 18,063 5,796 6,124 5,113 866 38,675 57,921 4,885 19,542 14,143 21,758 45,452 2,691 1,326 817 1,...
(导读 领研网)全基因组合成为理解生物功能提供了强大方法。本研究提出了两套方法:BASIS(细菌人工染色体逐步插入合成)和CGS(连续基因组合成),解决了创建基因组的两个最重要的问题:从更小的片段中快速组装出大量的DNA;以可扩展的方式用合成DNA取代生物体的基因组DNA。...
Nature 620, 994–1000 (2023). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar He, R. et al. Improving interface quality for 1-cm2 all-perovskite tandem solar cells. Nature 618, 80–86 (2023). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Gao, H. et al. Homogeneous crystallization and buried ...
All-perovskite tandem solar cells with 3D/3D bilayer perovskite heterojunction. Nature 620, 994–1000 (2023). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Li, C. et al. Low-bandgap mixed tin–lead iodide perovskites with reduced methylammonium for simultaneous enhancement of solar cell efficiency and ...